Disabled and Chronically Ill Network

Disability Network

The Disabled and Chronically Ill Network aims to provide a space for staff and students to connect, share experiences and information, and provide support. We also aim to raise awareness and visibility of disability issues at the University, to help promote a culture that supports disabled staff and students

You can report an accessibility issue on campus here

Exemption cards & 'Please give me space' badges

Some members of our University community are exempt from wearing face coverings. The reason may not always be obvious however, whilst not being a requirement, these members can request exemption cards or badges to highlight their exemption. Obviously, whilst we should all strive to respect everyone’s privacy.

Exemption cards, lanyards and badges available for colleagues and students who choose to use one and these are available from:

· University Main Reception, Streatham Campus
· Info@St Luke’s
· Cornwall: Glasney lodge for students, ESI reception for staff
· Our campus Here2Help team (Exeter) and Marshalls (Cornwall)

“Please give me space” cards and badges are also available at the above locations.

We use “disability” as an umbrella term to include physical disability, mental illness, chronic illness, sensory impairment, and neurodiversity. We understand not everyone who experiences these things would call themselves disabled and you do not have to identify as disabled to be included in the Network

The Disability Network is for all staff and students at the university under the broad umbrella of ‘disability’ who want to connect with others, share experiences, or promote change.

Allies who are interested in supporting the aims of the Network are always welcome to join or attend meetings. Allies are included in all meetings and events as it also allows people to attend as allies if they are concerned about disclosure.

We run monthly Network meetings which are open to all who wish to attend. We aim to make these meetings as accessible as possible and allow both in-person and remote access. We have a channel in Teams which is open for a text-based chat at any time, and we are holding our monthly meetings there via audio, video, and text-based chat while we are all working remotely.

We also link in with the university’s Disability Equality Group and various university EDI teams.


We understand disclosing a disability or illness at work can be anxiety-provoking, so you never need to disclose any issues to take part. You are also welcome to tell colleagues you attend meetings as an ally, or to discuss your issues in meetings in the third person. We also have an anonymous form which you can use at any time to share experiences or suggest agenda items.

How do I join?

To join, email DisabilityNetwork@exeter.ac.uk and ask to join the mailing list and the Teams channel. That’s it!

Emails are always sent out as BCC, so your email address is never shared with others and only visible to the three Network co-ordinators who manage the email account.

Contact us:

Email: DisabilityNetwork@Exeter.ac.uk

Follow us on Twitter: @UoEDisabled

You can also leave feedback on our anonymous form HERE