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Visiting Speaker - Professor Laudan Nooshin

Visiting Speaker - Professor Laudan Nooshin

Visiting Speaker - Professor Laudan Nooshin

Event details


Speaker: Professor Laudan Nooshin

Position: Professor of Music, City, University of London

Title of lecture: Listening to Tehran: Sonic Palimpsests and Affective Historical Imaginaries

Abstract: In her book Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nafisi powerfully evokes the image of a sound preserved like a dried flower between the pages of a book. This is not just any sound, however, but the more-than-sounds of sirens, bombs and other sonic experiences during the missile strikes on Tehran in the later stages of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88). Nafisi’s account speaks both to the profound entanglement of sound, affect, and memory, and to the intense somatic materiality of sound experienced through the entire body. This paper will draw on current research on the sounds of Tehran to explore this entanglement and in particular the palimpsestic nature of historical soundspaces with their layered sonic archaeology. Where do such sounds go and might it be possible to discover their reverberations today, rather like the primordial cosmic aftereffects of the ‘big bang’? How do we understand sound’s materiality as it enters spaces, bodies, buildings—impacting, shaping and changing them? And what does it mean to listen to historical spaces where people have experienced violence and trauma due to war and other acts of aggression? I focus on two case studies: Tehran’s Qasr Museum, and Sayyareh, an app-based soundwalk through which the streets of Tehran are reimagined. In both cases, sound offers an important lens through which to explore how such spaces are remembered and memoralised, and their role in the national sonic and affective imaginary.

Biography: Laudan Nooshin is Professor of Music at City, University of London. Her research interests include contemporary developments in Iranian traditional and popular musics, music and sound in urban space, with a particular focus on Tehran, music and sound in Iranian cinema, music and gender and sound in museums and heritage spaces. She has published widely and is currently writing a book on the sounds of Tehran for a project supported by The Leverhulme Trust, Laudan is co-founder of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Music Studies Network. In the current academic year, she is on an AHRC secondment working with the theatre and acoustic consultancy Charcoalblue.


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