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Quantitative Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance: QAMR2025

This meeting will focus on applications of machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical & statistical modelling, imaging & technology development applied to questions from molecular genetics, strain libraries, evolutionary genomics, clinical phenomics (eg MIC datasets), PKPD and phage to try and understand, and hopefully help mitigate, the evolution of antibiotic resistance.

Event details


Contributed talks and posters will be welcomed, please click on the registration link to sign up.

> Register now


£50 (payment details will be made available following registration)

Invited Speakers

Speakers come from backgrounds that range from technology development to quantitative modelling, clinical work to evolutionary microbiology: Remy Chait, Ivana Gudelj, Johan Paulsson, Stefano Pagliara, Amir Mitchell, Izzy Norville, Jess Blair, Hinrich Schulenberg, Elaine Bignell, Matthijs Berends, Gus Hamilton, Amy Mathers, Gwen Knight, Leonid Chindelevitch

Meeting poster and previous meetings


Amory Building C502