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Lower Hoopern Valley Celebration Event

Hold the date! We invite you to join us in the Lower Hoopern Valley for this celebratory event.

We will be celebrating and exploring nature and our connection to it on our new accessible path.

Event details

Hold the date on Tuesday 6 May for the Lower Hoopern Valley Celebration Event! We will have short speeches from our Vice Chancellor Professor Lisa Roberts and the Mayor of Exeter and then refreshments and live music to enjoy. 

Our Head of Grounds, David Evans, will be on hand to give a short tour of the Valley and talk about wildlife friendly management, and there will be stalls run by University of Exeter Sustainability Team, the Environment Agency, Double Elephant, Friends of Hoopern Valley with family friendly activities for everyone to enjoy, all free. 

Please feel free to drop in when you can and bring your friends and family. We will be asking people to sign up so we get an idea of numbers for refreshments. An eventbrite link is coming so keep an eye on this space. 

This is an outside event – please feel free to bring a picnic rug to sit on and dress according to our lovely British weather. The path is accessible to all but the rest of the site, should you wish to visit, has rough ground and steep slopes so we recommend sensible shoes. 

If the weather is terrible we will relocate to Roxborough House.