Dr Chiara Meccariello

Office hours

Term 1 2024/2025

When: Tuesday 11:00-12:30 (please book via email) or by appointment

Where: Amory 383 or online

Dr Chiara Meccariello

Classics and Ancient History

I received a PhD in Classics from the University of Pisa, and then held research and teaching positions in Vienna, Oxford, Goettingen and Cambridge. Much of my research is in the field of papyrology: I enjoy combining editorial work with broader cultural-historical investigation, and I use papyri and other evidence to explore how Greek poetry was read, interpreted and studied in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds.


My recent work includes two forthcoming papers on a recently discovered papyrus containing almost 100 lines from two lost plays of Euripides. For more information see https://chs.harvard.edu/the-new-euripides/.


Research supervision:

I am happy to discuss research proposals from potential PhD candidates in the following areas:

  • Greek Papyrology
  • Ancient scholarship
  • Textual criticism and the transmission of texts
  • Hellenistic literature and culture
  • Greek tragedy and satyr drama
  • Ancient education
  • Greek mythography


Selected publications


Uses and Misuses of Ancient Mediterranean Sources: Erudition, Authority, Manipulation, edited with J. Singletary, Tübingen 2022.

• The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, edited with J.H. Brusuelas, London 2016.

• Le hypotheseis narrative dei drammi euripidei. Testo, contesto, fortuna, Rome 2014.

Journal articles:

• ‘Textual Notes on the New Euripides (P. Phil. Nec. 23 V)’, accepted for publication in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik.

• ‘Cooking up Homer. The Two Lives of Strato, Fr. 1 K.-A.’, accepted for publication in Classical Philology.

‘Did Euripides’ Andromache Premiere Outside Athens?’, Classical Quarterly 73 (2023), 558-64.

‘Myth and Actuality at the School of Rhetoric: The Encomium on the Flower of Antinous in Its Cultural and Performative Context’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 113 (2023), 261-89.

• ‘The Fountain of Arsinoe in Supplementum Hellenisticum 978’, Segno e Testo 18 (2020), 1-16.

• ‘A Catalogue of Virtuous Women. Myth and Mythography in Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 4.19.118-123’, Vigiliae Christianae 74 (2020), 411-432.

‘The First Medea and the Other Heracles. On Alleged Double Versions of Euripidean Plays’, Philologus 163 (2019), 198-213.

‘Impulso mitografico e mitografia nelle pratiche educative greche antiche’, Polymnia 4 (2019), 147-75.

‘An Emendation in Apollonius Sophista’s Lexicon Homericum’, Classical Quarterly 67 (2017), 332-5.

‘Plutarch’s Sympotic Forge and a Variant Reading in P. Oxy. LXXVIII 5156’ (with J.H. Brusuelas), Archiv für Papyrusforschung 61 (2015), 37-52.

Book chapters:

• ‘Teaching Propaganda: Water, Food and Power in the Livre d’Ecolier’, in L. Del Corso/A. Ricciardetto, Greek Culture in Hellenistic Egypt: The Literary Experience, Berlin/Boston 2024, 295-310.

• ‘Tragic Mythography’, in S.M. Trzaskoma/R.S. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography, Oxford/New York 2022, 300-313.

• ‘Eight and Counting. New Insights on the Number and Early Transmission of Euripides’ Satyr Dramas’, in A. Antonopoulos et al. (eds.), Reconstructing Satyr Drama, Berlin/New York 2021, 283-302.

• ‘Well Begun is Half Done’? Uses and Misuses of Incipits in Greek Antiquity and Beyond’, in F. Ginelli/F. Lupi (eds.), Piecing the Past Together. The Continuity of Classical Literature through Fragmentary Traditions, Berlin/New York 2021, 57-77.

‘Title, Arche, Hypothesis. Notes on the Heading and Arrangement of the Euripidean Hypotheses on Papyrus’, in T. Derda et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Congress of Papyrology, vol. II, Warsaw 2016, 1185-200.

Editions of papyri:

‘P. Oxy. 0000. Prose on Heracles’, forthcoming in The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Series.

‘1128. Theoxena’, in S. Schorn et al. (eds.), Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. IV A: Biography, Leiden 2019, 213-24.

‘1136. On a Female Pupil of Plato, Speusippos, and Menedemos’, in S. Schorn et al. (eds.), Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. IV A: Biography, Leiden 2019, 413-28.

‘1139. Miscellaneous Lives’ (with M. de Kreij), in S. Schorn et al. (eds.), Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. IV A: Biography, Leiden 2019, 479-577.

‘P. Oxy. 5266. Sophocles’ Philoctetes 104-7 etc.’ (with S. Bocksberger), in J.H. Brusuelas/C. Meccariello (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, London 2016, 52-7.

‘P. Oxy. 5271. Pseudo-Plutarch, De Proverbiis Alexandrinorum 50?’ (with J.H. Brusuelas and G. Verhasselt), in J.H. Brusuelas/C. Meccariello (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, London 2016, 67-70.

‘P. Oxy. 5283. Hypotheses of Euripides’ Bacchae and Other Plays’, in J.H. Brusuelas/C. Meccariello (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, London 2016, 111-34.

‘P. Oxy. 5284. Hypotheses of Euripides’ Heracles and Other Plays’, in J.H. Brusuelas/C. Meccariello (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, London 2016, 134-46.

‘P. Oxy. 5285. Hypotheses of Euripides’ Plays (More of LII 2455)’, in J.H. Brusuelas/C. Meccariello (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXXXI, London 2016, 146-51.

Book reviews:

F. Favi, Epicarmo e pseudo-Epicarmo (frr. 240–297). Introduzione, traduzione e commento, Göttingen 2020, Gnomon 96 (2024, in press).

L. Rocchi, Studies on P. Oxy. XXXI 2537, Berlin/Boston 2021, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 151:2 (2023).

A. Boschi, Crizia Tragico. Testimonianze e frammenti, Tivoli 2021, Lexis 39 (2022).

F. Montanari, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek. Edited by M. Goh and C. Schroeder, Leiden/Boston 2015, Classical Review 68 (2018), 559-561.

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