The circular economy and sustainable use of polymers (CALMARE)

At CALMARE we carry out research into the sustainable use of polymers and composites, investigating concepts such as the circular economy, biomaterials, recycling and remanufacturing.

Circular Economy

The circular economy

From wetsuit recycling to composite reuse, Exeter is working with industrial partners and colleagues in the Business School to develop new circular solutions for industry and change our approach to the use of plastics and composites.  Read more.

CALMARE has worked with a range of companies to help assess options and opportunities available for improved reprocessing, or recycling options as well as the implementation of remanufacturing techniques within new Circular Economy business models. Read more.

Following on from a strong history of research by X-AT into the use of bioderived and natural materials, CALMARE has continued to investigate opportunities in this area with a variety of industry partners. Read more.

Near infra-red spectroscopy techniques can be used across molten polymer (for instance across the nozzle in injection moulding, or die of an extruder) to detect changes in chemical structure of the materials. This can be used as a continuous quality control tool for aspects such as contamination, moisture, colour etc. Read more