News and events


2024 Event - High Performance Polymeric Additive Manufacturing

In September 2024 we returned to the Streatham Campus at Exeter for another great event showcasing the latest developments in high performance polymeric Additive Manufacturing. 

2022 Event - European Strategy for Additive Manufacturing with High Performance Polymers

July 2022 - This month saw the return of this exciting AM event in Exeter with a great selection of speakers and inciteful discussions. Click on the tab above for more information. 

Reaching Characteristics of Metal-Free Brake Pads are an EV Plus

September 2021

Phenolic composite brake pad backing plates are a disruptive idea that has yet to find acceptance, which is surprising considering they are 75-percent lighter, inert and corrosion-free, thermally insulating and have superior damping properties – just the characteristics required for electric vehicle braking duty cycles. Read more about the research carried out in this area in the latest brake report article

Making Thick Section Composite Components - JEC Composites Article

September 2021

Tackling the barriers to the widespread utilisation of thermoplastic composites, the team has perfected a metholdogy for reliably moulding thick section (>50mm) composite componentry, using discontinuous PEEK carbon fibre prepreg tapes, and therby allow the use of composites in a whole range of new application areas. 

Reaching the PEEK in Additive Manufacturing - TCT Article - Industy Case Study

June 2021

The Centre for Additive Layer Manufacturing (CALM) at the University of Exeter has recently worked with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and Thales UK, to showcase how Additive Manufacturing (AM) can be used with high performance polymers such as PEEK, to produce production parts for high value applications, with the project funded through the through the UKRI Researcher in Residence programme. To read a shorter version of click on this case study link

Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) seals links with the University of Exeter

September 2019

The National Centre for Additive Manufacturing at the Coventry-based Manufacturing Technology Centre has signed a strategic partnership with the University of Exeter to develop high performance polymer components using additive manufacturing.

Victrex and University of Exeter partnership to progress additive manufacturing to the next level

October 2018

The University of Exeter will play a pivotal role in the development of the UK Additive Manufacturing (AM) sector, through a multi-million pound partnership with Victrex; a collaboration designed to exploit the full potential of high-performance PAEK polymers in Additive Manufacturing.

Is PAEK Additive Manufacturing (AM) now a reality?

September 2018 - Aerospace Manufacturing Article

Find out how CALM has contributed to the research of the next generation of high performance polymers.

Developing recyclable wetsuits with Finisterre

Through a two year Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), CALMARE is working with Finisterre to look at neoprene degradation and investigate re-manufacturing and circular economy initiatives.

High Performance Polymers - a new era of development (pdf)  

August 2017 ‌-  Materials World Article

High-performance polymers could hold the key to the development of new materials for additive manufacturing. 

Performance polymers for performance parts

November 2016 - Aerospace Manufacturing Article

Latest research and industry developments presented at the 2nd European stategy event hosted by CALM at the University of Exeter.

Researchers successfully 3D print carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced PEEK

Researchers at CALM have expanded on their leading expertise of high temperature laser sintering of carbon reinforced PEEK composites by successfully 3D printing carbon nanotube reinforced PEEK polymer via material extrusion.

CALM hosts Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Rt Hon Vince Cable was shown some of the University’s most innovative research-focused activities as part of a recent visit to the Streatham Campus.

Artists engage with 3D printing technology

CALM has teamed up with Exeter Phoenix to offer artists the opportunity to explore the emerging technologies of 3D printing.

Violins 'printed' in Exeter

The University of Exeter’s new Centre for Additive Layer Manufacturing (CALM) is set to make some noise in the classical music world by ‘printing’ two violins.

Minister of State for Universities and Science visits Exeter

Minister of State for Universities and Science David Willetts MP visited the University of Exeter’s Streatham Campus on Monday 26 September.

The future of manufacturing comes to Exeter

A £2.6 million facility at the University of Exeter is set to become a leading centre for a manufacturing technique which could revolutionise the way things are made.

Previous Events

European Strategy for Additive Manufacture with High Performance Polymers 2024

September 2024 saw the return of our popular High Temperature AM Event with speakers from across the globe covering academia, equipment providers, materials developers and end users. 

European Strategy for Additive Manufacture with High Performance Polymers 2022

Following postponements due to Covid-19, it was great to finally see everyone in person again and get together in Exeter for another great event on the 6-7th July 2022.  The Centre for Additive Layer Manufacturing (CALM) held its 4th AM event for High Performance Polymers (HPP). The previous few years had been an exciting period of development in the HPP sector, and this was a chance to bring the leading industry partners together to highlight these advancements.

With great speakers, interesting discussions and a fabulous dinner (sponsored by Victrex) at Hotel du Vin, it was a very successful event, with new contacts formed and new collaborations in the pipeline. 

Conference on Materials and Structures for Additive Manufacturing - 2020

Presentations showcased new developments and research in materials for additive manufacturing, with applications including lightweighting, mechanical reinforcement, thermal and electrical enhancement and other uses of metamaterials (acoustic, electromagnetic or mechanical). Presentations included:

  • Metallic ink injected meta atoms: Professor Chris Stevens, University of Oxford, UK
  • Fused Deposition Modeling 3D printed metasurfaces for microwave applications: Dr Anna Tasolamprou, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Greece
  • Multi-Material Powder Bed Fusion: Max Horn, Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV, Germany
  • Investigating magnetic materials for Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Dr Carlos Henrique Ahrens, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • MOF-3D: 3D printing with super adsorbent materials: Dr Binling Chen, University of Exeter, UK
  • Real-time quality monitoring with ultrasound in AM: Professor Cetin Cetinkaya, Clarkson University, USA
  • Filler alignment for AM applications with a concept design for fabrication of graded structures inside Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) devices, Dr Maria Mann, University of Exeter, UK
  • Rapid 3D inspection of AM components using CT: from defect detection to thermal performance simulation: Dr Celia Butler, Synopsys, UK
  • Additive manufacturing and architected materials: Professor Christopher Spadaccini, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

European Strategy for Additive Manufacture with High Performance Polymers 2018

In September 2018 CALM at the University of Exeter hosted the third Conference on European Strategy for Additive Manufacturing with High Performance Polymers. Over 50 invited delegates from all AM industry sectors spent two days hearing a range of presentations on the latest developments in AM technology. Delegates also had plenty of opprtunity to discuss and identify the issues and solutions needed to further advance the high performance polymer sector within Additive Manufacturing.

At the event, CALM and Victrex announced a 5-year multi-million pound strategic partnership to introduce next-generation PAEK polymers and composites while improving the performance of the underlying AM processes, building on the successful relationship cultivated since the first event in 2014. As a result of a consortium of eight organisations including CALM, formed after the 2016 CALM event, Victrex have also recently announced newly developed advanced PAEK products designed for AM.

To be kept up-to-date with developments in this area please email the team at

European Strategy for Additive Manufacture with High Performance Polymers 2016

The University of Exeter hosted the 2nd biennial AM event in September 2016, with representatives from leading organisations across Europe and the United States. The 2 day event included presentations from Airbus Group Innovation, Victrex, Versarien, Indmatec, EOS, Eurocoating, Oxford Advanced Surfaces and Boeing. These presentations coupled with round table sessions and networking opportunities provided the inspiration for some great discussions which we hope will lead to further projects that help shape the future of this exciting technology.

Our thanks go to Victrex for sponsoring the evening dinner and networking event on the Wednesday night and ongoing support with the organisation of this important industrial event.

More information is available in the Aerospace Manufacturing article published shortly after the event.

European Strategy for Additive Manufacture with High Temperature (HT) Polymers 2014

This event in September 2014 was the first AM event for HT polymers held by Exeter and brought together representatives from the Additive Manufacturing supply chain to discuss the short and long term vision for research and manufacturing, plus the funding mechanisms and ways to collaborate. A number of presentations were shown, focussing on the commercial and technical challenges surrounding the adoption of high temperature polymers and composites for Additive Manufacturing.

Feedback from the event:

“A useful and informative event, with interesting presentations” - Thiago Medeiros Araujo, Airbus Group Innovation UK

“An excellent opportunity for us to engage with some other major corporations throughout the supply chain.” - Romain Czarny, Thales Group

“An interesting day, and an excellent opportunity for us to engage with other businesses involved in high temperature polymer AM.” - Marcel Gowers, Smiths Group

“A very informative day, with both research and practical examples of how the technology is being driven forward.” - Fabian Muller, EOS Gmbh