Integrated Group Reading project
1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022
PI/s in Exeter: Dr George Koutsouris, Professor Brahm Norwich
Sponsor(s): Nuffield foundation
Project webpage(s)
Integrated Group Reading project
About the research
The aim of this project was to evaluate systematically on a national scale the Integrated Group Reading (IGR) programme. The evaluation began in September 2015 and ran until August 2017.
The programme is designed as an early intervention taught by class teachers for groups of 4 children in Years 2 and 3 who are delayed in reading. IGR integrates diverse current professional knowledge about literacy teaching using specially developed high quality materials (reading books and story-specific games). It is taught during the existing small group organisation of lessons as part of a class-wide model, with all pupils being in groups receiving teacher attention over a period of a week, supported by a teaching assistant.