Term-time staff

Term-time staff means staff who work less than 52 weeks per year (including holidays). The University operates a variety of working arrangements for term-time staff to meet the operational requirements of certain activities within Faculties and Professional Services. The working weeks of term-time staff are detailed in the contract of employment. Term-time staff must take their paid holiday entitlement in weeks when their attendance is not required.

Payment arrangements

Term-time staff have their pay (including holiday pay) averaged over twelve months, ie the University averages the pay of term-time staff so that you receive the same pay each month for all twelve months of the year.

When term-time staff leave the University, the Pay and Benefits team will make a comparison between actual pay due (including holiday pay) and actual pay paid to ensure that you leave with the correct total pay. A similar reconciliation is undertaken when staff commence maternity leave.

Term-time staff who change their hours and/or weeks mid-way through their anniversary year will have the pay for their previous post recalculated by the Pay and Benefits team to ensure that they have received the correct pay for the weeks and hours worked, including holiday pay.

Your basic salary is worked out by multiplying the number of hours you are contracted to work each week by the number of weeks you are contracted to work. An additional sum is then added to your basic salary in payment for annual leave and bank holidays/closure days to give your total annual salary:

Annual salary Divided by weeks per year x (working weeks + holiday) Divided by full time hours x contracted hours = pro rata salary
£ full time salary divided by 52 weeks x (your contracted weeks + holiday %) divided by 36.5 hours x your contracted hours = £ your salary

The annual leave entitlement for full-time staff in grades A to D is 28 days, and for grades E to H is 30 days, plus 8 bank/public holidays and 3 Closure Days designated by the University.

The payment for holiday varies depending on when the working weeks are planned to be worked, please click on the link below for further information:

» Term time staff whose working weeks do not link to University term dates

» Term time staff whose working weeks do link to University term dates