Term time staff whose working weeks do not link to University term dates
Payment arrangements
The payment for holiday is a pro-rata amount of the full-time entitlement including 3 closure days and all 8 bank holidays therefore when planning the working weeks each year account must be taken of any bank holidays which fall on a working day and an alternative working day scheduled.
Holiday pay is expressed as a percentage and is calculated as follows:
Grades A - D
52 weeks x 5 working days = 260 possible working days per year.
28 days holiday + 8 bank holidays + 3 closure days = 39 total leave days.
260 working days - 39 total leave days = 221 working days remaining.
39 leave days as a percentage of 221 working days is 17.65%
Grades E+
52 weeks x 5 working days = 260 possible working days per year.
30 days holiday + 8 bank holidays + 3 closure days = 41 total leave days.
260 working days - 41 total leave days = 219 working days remaining.
41 leave days as a percentage of 219 working days is 18.72%.
A grade E employee working 20 hours a week for 30 weeks:
£27,025 divided by 52 weeks x (30 contracted weeks + 18.72%)
36.5 full time hours x 20 contracted hours
= £10,142.49 per annum
Should you not work the required number of contracted weeks or receive an overpayment for any reason, the University reserves the right to recover the amount from your subsequent pay.
Annual leave
Term time staff must take their paid holiday entitlement in weeks when their attendance is not required ie outside of their planned working weeks.
Bank/Public holidays
Your salary includes payment for all 8 bank holidays and the 3 closure days.
Planning the working weeks
It is recommended that employees and managers agree the working weeks in advance of each year. These should then be notified to HR Services for inputting onto Trent to ensure that any calculations such as sick pay can be calculated correctly.