Volunteering and giving
Giving to others is demonstrably good for your mental wellbeing and is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Whether by volunteering your time or donating to a charity you care about, the impact is positive for you, for the community you’re contributing to and, depending on the activity, often great for physical health, the environment and for connecting with others socially. Volunteering opportunities at or supported by the University are listed below plus other ways to volunteer and give, including charitable giving directly from your pay. Keep your eyes peeled for ad-hoc opportunities in the weekly bulletin too.
Community Challenge: University volunteering days
Our Community Challenge programme gives all colleagues on the main payroll a chance to volunteer for one paid day per year with a charity or not-for-profit organisation. You can choose an activity to suit your needs and volunteer in a group or individually.
More information on undertaking a Community Challenge
GIVE (Garden Involvement Volunteer Events)
Our University Horticulturists run monthly volunteering sessions for staff and students to care for the beautiful and diverse grounds on Streatham Campus. All tools and training will be provided. More information about these events and how to book
Graduation volunteers
A high point of the University’s annual cycle is the summer graduation period when we celebrate our students’ successful degree completions. We rely on the help of volunteers from our Professional Services colleagues to ensure the smooth running of the ceremonies. A variety of roles are available: Graduation volunteering
Reservists and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV)
All British Armed Forces Reservists and Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) working at the University are eligible for an additional two weeks (73 hours) of paid leave to support their reserve and volunteering commitments. Did you know you can also log your status as a reservist or CFAV in your HR iTrent record? See Support for our Armed Forces Community.
If you are a veteran, a reservist, part of a service family or a CFAV there is an active Armed Forces Covenant Group available too.
For information on volunteering as Reservists or a CFAV; Army Cadet Force or the Sea Cadets or Air Cadets.
Payroll Giving
The Payroll Giving scheme enables anyone subject to PAYE income tax and National Insurance contributions, to make donations from their pay or pension to any charity or religious organisation. The University has joined up with South West Charitable Giving so that staff can make donations straight from their salary. For further information or to join the scheme, please visit South West Charitable Giving.
Student and alumni volunteering
If you’re looking for something for students you are supporting, or you are an Exeter student as well as being a paid member of staff, have a look at the community webpages for opportunities and ideas. If you’re a University of Exeter alumnus you could volunteer to help support the staff, students and the Exeter alumni community: Alumni volunteering
Other volunteering opportunities
The UK’s largest and most specialised job board for the voluntary sector. Every month, they connect nearly half a million people with paid and voluntary roles in a range of inspiring organisations.
The national database of volunteering opportunities. Search more than 1 million volunteering opportunities by interest, activity or location and apply online.
Often a good place to start looking for volunteering opportunities in the local area. They can find out what you're interested in doing and try to match you with a suitable volunteering role with a local charity or voluntary organisation.
Reach Volunteering connects professionals and charities through skill-based volunteer and trustee opportunities, both project-based and long-term.
A free and easy-to-use platform promoting volunteering opportunities to young people aged between 14 and 30.
Volunteering Matters believes that everyone can play a role in their community and should have the chance to participate. They build volunteering projects and programmes to reflect this.
If a correction to this page is needed or you have a question, please contact: ColleagueWellbeing@exeter.ac.uk