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Further support

I'm feeling suicidal / I'm worried about someone who might be suicidal.

If you can't find what you're looking for here or in our Index, or have any questions please email usThe Occupational Health team can also help you with expert confidential advice and support.

Spectrum Life is our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which is a confidential, neutral service provided by an external company to support colleagues at the University, including free counselling. 

Dealing with change and uncertainty

It is very common to experience feelings of worry and stress when dealing with change and uncertain situations.  

The NHS Every Mind Matters website has some great tips to help manage this. 

If change and uncertainty at work is causing you worry, it is best to speak to your line manager who can plan a way to support you. Your manager can also make a referral to the Occupational Health team who can provide advice and suggest tools and adjustments that might help you at work.    

Our EAP Spectrum Life is also available to you for 24/7 confidential in the moment support, advice and counselling (if clinically appropriate). 

Here are a couple of internal training workshops which you may find helpful: