To discuss booking a Recruiter in Residence session please contact the team at
Recruiter in Residence
Bookings for spring 2025 are now closed. We have a limited number of recruiter in residence dates available for the 2025/26 academic year. Please contact to discuss with the team.
Recruiter in Residence sessions allow you to meet with students one-to-one in a quiet, focused setting. The space provided allows you to discuss a variety of topics with individual students, whether relating to a specific question or support through your recruitment process.
Please bear in mind that all physical bookings require robust risk assessments and protocols to be followed in order for them to go ahead.
Please click on the headings below for more information, including charges.
If you are a current student visiting this page, please visit Handshake for a list of all upcoming Recruiter in Residence sessions.
Recruiter in Residence takes place Monday - Friday throughout the academic year, although rarely in the summer term. Timings are completely flexible but typically are held between 11:00-15:00. Slot lengths vary but are typically from 15-30 minutes.
If held on campus, either a room or quiet space will be booked for you.
Virtual events are delivered using Teams.
Recruiter in Residence slots are advertised via:
- The Career Zone website
- Our internal events site ‘Handshake’
- Email circular, sent to all Streatham and St Luke’s based students (approximately 20,000)
- Via our social media channels.
Where appropriate, the events will also be included in Faculty-based marketing material.
Students book their slot in advance. Both the student and employer receiving a Teams calendar invitation if appointments are being conducted online.
To secure your preferred date, benefit from all the publicity opportunities and get the best attendance, as well as to avoid clashes with other employers, we urge you to book a date with us as early as possible. Many employers secure their preferred dates when we first open for bookings (spring, for the upcoming autumn term and spring terms).
We advise at least 4 weeks notice minimum between booking and the live event. For events in October, November and February, however, please contact us no later than 8 weeks before the start of the term.
Please note: Bookings for spring 2025 are now closed. We have a limited number of recruiter in residence dates available for the 2025/26 academic year. Please contact to discuss with the team.
Recruiter in Residence costs £60+VAT, regardless of whether for half or a full day.
Any data provided to the University by any party will be processed in accordance with Student Employability and Academic Success (SEAS) Privacy Policy.