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Wellbeing Services in Devon

Index of student wellbeing support

If you are struggling to find a resource or page on our wellbeing pages, please use the index below.


About our service



Advice for family and friends of students 

Advice for new students 

Advice for staff 

Anxiety about global events


Audio resources 

Autism spectrum conditions 

Autism and Uni - information, resources and student stories 

Book an appointment 

Books and e-books 

Care leavers 


Career Zone 

Changing the appearance of the wellbeing site

Chaplaincy - our Multifaith Chaplaincy 

Confidential support and how we use your information 

Concerns about a friend or flatmate 

Consent form 

Contact us 

Cornwall students - wellbeing support

Cost of Living Crisis and your wellbeing 

Counselling and CBT 

Delay an exam or deadline

Disability support

Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA) - funding your support 

Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) support request form 

DSA support agreement

Distance Learners 

Degree Apprenticeship students 

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia 

Eating difficulties 

Education Welfare Advisors - academic wellbeing 

Emotional and mental health support

Estranged students 


Event archive

Exam adjustments 

Exehale, a quiet space on campus 

Extensions, Mitigation and Deferrals with Wellbeing Support 

Fatigue Social Group 


Feedback - share your thoughts

Five ways to wellbeing 

Funding your support: Disabled Students' Allowance 

Gender diverse support 

Initial Consultations (online or in-person)

International and EU students 

Individual Learning Plans 

LGBTQI+ Support 

Living Life to the Full 

Local and national support services 

Mature students 

Medical evidence 

Men's mental health 

Mental Health Support 


Money worries 

Multicultural counselling 

My Wellbeing Toolkit 

NHS Talkworks 



Online resources for taking care of your wellbeing  

Pastoral Mentors

Peer support 

Policies and forms

Postgraduate students 

Prospective student information 

Prospective students - register with our services (form) 


Quiet space on campus

Questions and answers

Residence Life - support in accommodation 

Specific Learning Difficulties or Differences

Service policies and forms

Sexual violence 

Silvercloud online mental health programme 

Single Advice Session Request Form (for study abroad students)

Study abroad 

Study Zone  

Suicide support 

Support groups 

Supporting evidence

Talks and activities 

Taking care of your wellbeing 

Togetherall 24/7 online support 

Urgent support 

Webinar recordings 

Wellbeing apps 
