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Accommodation in Exeter

Wellbeing support and Residence Life Team

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Residence Life Team

The Residence Life Team are part of Wellbeing services, here to support you living in university residences. They’ll help you settle in and feel at home in Exeter, with information about living in halls and help if things are difficult.  

They are your friendly contact at university that knows everything you need to know. 

They run events and trips for you to get to know other students and explore Exeter and the surrounding areas and help you when things are difficult. 

Follow @exeterreslife – it’s packed full of information about Residence Life events and what’s on in the community. They can recommend places to go, things to do, and how to make the most out of your time here in Exeter. Plus, they have useful information about how things work and the support that is on offer.   

What they do

Residence Life can help with any practical questions about your accommodation, worries about living with others, flat disputes, questions about living in Exeter and health and welfare concerns.

Rounds – Student mentors will visit your accommodation every few weeks to check in and see how you are doing. They will knock on your door and introduce themselves and have useful information about what is happening for students.  

Full Time Support Staff– Their biggest piece of advice is that, if something is worrying or concerning you, however small, come and have a chat about it early. Not getting on with your flatmates? Concerned that you or someone else in the flat is feeling lonely, isolated, unsure about their course or struggling with their mental health? You don’t have to deal with this on your own, they can provide a safe and confidential space for you to offload your worries and access support. Email or book an appointment with them and get some help.  

Second year housing advice – Residence Life work with the Guild and other university departments to provide you with all the information you need for making the right choice for you about your move on accommodation in to the private sector.

Conflict resolution – Sometimes we all find it difficult to know how to deal with conflict. We don’t want to hurt the other person, we don’t want to make it worse, we don’t think that we should be the ones to say something, and we hope that if we ignore it, the problem will just go away. Perhaps society has given us the message to not make a fuss and keep quiet.  

The trouble is that the problem doesn’t go away. In fact, if we don’t do something, that thing will keep happening and we might just end up feeling more and more resentful until the frustration accidently comes out in the wrong way.  

So, if you are struggling with something relating to other people, they can help.  

  • Book an appointment to discuss the situation and look at options and additional support.  
  • If you find having difficult conversations about other people’s behaviour tricky, then they can offer coaching on how to approach this, get your point across and be heard. A skill that will help you throughout life!  
  • Support a meeting between students so that you can discuss the issue, listen to each other, and come up with a resolution together.  
  • Escalate to welfare services if the issue relates to a serious concern/ risk to self or others.  

Events – Residence Life events are an opportunity to come along and try something different and potentially meet some new people and build your community in Exeter. You can come on your own or with friends, and everyone will get a warm welcome from their mentors. They have a variety of events, games nights, craft sessions, skills and wellbeing sessions as well as cookery and food events (which are always popular!).  

Check out their ‘What’s going on’ page, view this month's calendar below, and follow them at @exeterreslife to find out what’s on.  

Trips – Exeter and the surrounding areas are brilliant and we want you to make the most of your home here and explore all the beautiful and cool places on offer. Residence Life trips are discounted to make them affordable and they’re a great opportunity to meet others.  

Meet the Team

Residence Life are a mixed team of full-time wellbeing staff and part time student mentors that are here to help you depending on what support you need.  

Student mentors are experienced students who have lived in student accommodation previously and can help answer any general questions you have about living in residences. If you have any more serious worries, you can mention this to them, and they can escalate to a staff member.  

Meet the team

Alternatively, you can come directly to wellbeing staff via their booking page or by emailing 

Contact details

You can contact Residence Life for the following:

  • To book an appointment, select a time through their online booking system.
  • For general enquiries please email them at
  • You can attend an event and request to speak to a team member.
  • You can speak to a mentor on their round as they visit accommodation.  

If you are in urgent need of assistance outside our team hours, please call Estate Patrol on 01392 723999. In an emergency, please call 999.

For all enquiries, Residence Life aim to respond in less than 4 working days.  

What's on

Residence Life run a variety of events giving you the chance to meet people, try new things and explore the local area. The free and low-cost events include trips, crafts, cooking, animals on campus and more. Come alone or with friends, the Residence Life Mentors will welcome you either way.



Being a mentor has given me the opportunity to work as part of a great team and make new lifelong friends. The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping other students is something I really enjoy and is really special. Mentoring has also helped me improve my overall confidence, as well as providing me with new experiences and skills which I can use once I graduate. Definitely recommend it!


Past Residence Life Mentor

University support services

We realise that living away from home can be challenging at times. We are here to support you and the University offers a range of services to help, including: 

  • Residence Life Team - supporting students living in University accommodation. Find out further information below.
  • Wellbeing Services - providing a wide range of free advice, guidance and support for students struggling with their mental health, alcohol consumption, bereavement, and other important issues.
  • AccessAbility – support for students with disabilities and long term health conditions.
  • The Students' Guild Advice Service – offering advice on financial problems, academic issues, housing, etc. They can support you in applying for the University’s Success For All Fund and provide Food Bank Vouchers.
  • Exeter Student Nightline – A student-run listening and information service
  • The Multifaith Chaplaincy - working to serve the whole University community: students and staff, of all faiths and worldviews, whether religious or not.  They can provide a safe place to chat about anything, including if you’re homesick, lonely, or questioning your sexuality.

The A-Z listing of support services provides full details and the Student Information Desk is a gateway to a range of services, and students can also raise queries via SID Online.

You may also find our Top Tips for Stressful Times poster helpful.

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Health Services

The Student Health Centre is an NHS service for all registered students and is based in Reed Mews on the Streatham campus . You can register with the Student Health Centre online. The Student Health Centre recommends downloading the NHS App, which provides advice on accessing NHS services and a link to your GP surgery.

Students living at Rowancroft are advised to register with the Heavitree Health Centre.

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