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Workshop: Community Engagement as Scientific Practice

Egenis workshop

With this workshop, three philosophers of science who have experimented with various forms of engaged philosophy across different continents come together to reflect on their experiences and discuss the role of community engagement (and particularly minority and underrepresented communities) in the development, evaluation and use of scientific knowledge, as well as within philosophy and science studies. All who are interested in the role that philosophy, history and social studies of science can play across different societies – and especially in cases where relevant voices and contributions tend to be overlooked due to inequity, discrimination and unfair privilege – are warmly welcome to join this conversation.

Event details

Many thanks to the European Research Council for its sponsorship of this event, which is funded under ERC Award 101001145 “A Philosophy of Open Science for Diverse Research Environments” ( ); and to collaborators in Tel Aviv and the Upper Galilee, led by Ayelet Shavit, who have spurred the speakers to write about these issues and are coordinating a special issue submission for these and like-minded contributions.

Organiser: Prof Sabina Leonelli

Workshop_Schedule.pdf (155K)


Byrne House