
To discuss advertising, please contact the team at


You can advertise your company, opportunities or competitions through a range of mediums - ideal for getting your brand known on campus. Below is a selection of options currently available.

Please note that we can only promote careers-related items. Please contact Event Exeter's Student Promotions Team for any non-careers advertising.  

We can advertise externally organised employability-related events on our careers portal, Handshake. Where appropriate and subject to space, we may be able to include the details in our weekly student employer event newsletter.

We require at minimum a two-week lead time before the event or registration deadline for advertising. This is to allow time for us to check and process the request before setting it live and to provide a reasonable advertising period for students to learn of the event. 

We reserve the right to decline events if they:

  • are not relevant to our students (i.e. not aimed at current students/graduates or targeting disciplines we do not offer)
  • are not careers, employabillty or recruitment focused
  • clash or compete with similar activity we are delivering
  • require payment or a deposit to attend, or are promoting chargeable activity
  • have little/no detail in the event description and fails to provide a sufficient description of what the event will entail
  • are competitions (please visit our social media page to promote competitions)
  • contain errors or inconsistencies
  • fail to meet our advertising guidelines, including seeking to restrict attendance on the basis of protected characteristics (see 'Guidelines for Positive Action').

You can connect to the University of Exeter on Handshake here and upload your external events to the platform.

You can find out more on joining Handshake here, and how to upload your events to the system quickly by following the steps shown in this guide.

If your company has active job postings and the requested event is less than 60 days away, it will be promoted on the job postings once we have approved the event listing. 

Please ensure that you have configured your user settings in Handshake to receive emails and notification alerts. This is important so you are alerted to any questions you may receive from us about your listing. 

To do this, log in to Handshake, click on your name and select 'User notifications'. Under 'notification preferences' ensure that there are green ticks in the 'events' section under the emails and notification column, and specifically 'Someone comments on an event that I organise'. 

Charge: Free

E-shots can be used to promote almost anything to do with recruiting students or graduates - specific vacancies, recruitment programmes, events, competitions or open days.

E-shots can usually include text, simple graphics and hyperlinks. However, complex graphics can sometimes be problematic. We do not send attachments. Please contact us if you have any queries about this.

You can send e-shots to all our students or target specific year groups, colleges or departments. A breakdown of our academic colleges and departments can be found here.

If you have other criteria which you wish to target, please contact us and we will see what we can do - but please note that we are not able to target on the basis of gender, nationality, disability or other protected characteristics.

Some targeting criteria may result in unusually small cohorts - if you have very specific requirements, it may be worth contacting us in advance to get an estimate of numbers to ensure you get value from your e-shot.

Please note that emails cannot be sent to graduates.

The charge for sending a targeted email is £200 + VAT.

We send only two targeted emails per week during term times so it is advisable to book well in advance.

Payment must be made in advance by credit or debit card (we are currently unable to accept payment via American Express).

Booking for the 24/25 academic year are now open. You can book your targeted email here.

Please contact James Bradbrook on if you have any questions.

You can promote your opportunities and events by tagging us in your Instagram posts, which we will then share in our stories. 

Our Instagram accounts are: 

Please note this is the only social media advertising we offer. 

Charge: Free