Waste and recycling

Before disposing of items, please consider whether the item may be reused by another department. Please visit WARPit for further information.

The Facilities Operations Team continue to increase recycling with a new contract awarded to SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd, beginning in January 2025.  In appointing SUEZ  we have listened to students’ concerns – which means recycling will be a much simpler process with the facility to recycle more items.  New bins will be located across campus for dry mixed recycling, ensuring the University of Exeter is compliant with current waste legislation.  

All new buildings and renovations will be subject to centralised recycling to assist in increased recycling and efficiencies in waste removal.

How to dispose of your waste

You can find out how to dispose of your waste by using the A-Z guide on the Sustainability site. These disposal procedures have been prepared to ensure that the University complies with all relevant waste legislation,  that materials are disposed of in a cost effective manner and in the most environmentally sound way (in accordance with the waste hierarchy).   If your waste stream is not listed, or you are unsure about what to do, please contact Campus Services Help Desk.

Find information on waste and recycling in academic buildings here

  Academic Buildings

Single cardboard boxes can be squashed down by staff creating the waste and left by the internal recycling bins for the FM Cleaning Team to remove.

Multiple cardboard boxes or larger quantities of cardboard must be taken to the external cardboard bins found outside of the building by the staff member/office creating the waste.

Large quantities of cardboard waste created by staff/office moves/clear outs must be removed via Disposal Form on Campus Services Help Desk, this will then be planned and carried out by the Portering Team.

Self service cardboard bins that have been located by office staff themselves must be emptied by the said office staff and not left for the FM Cleaning Team.

To ensure that we comply with relevant waste legislation and ensure we divert waste from landfill, a new contract has been established for skip hire on campus.  This does not apply to contractors who organise skips on behalf of the University.

University staff should only order skips from Leeses Skip Hire Ltd.  Full duty of care checks have been carried to ensure that the company has the necessary environmental permits and licences to remove our waste.   By using the service, you can also be assured that all materials are recycled whenever possible.  

How do I order a skip?

Any college or service requiring a skip should contact Leeses directly by phone on  01392 826456 or by email sales@leesesltd.co.uk.  You will need to provide the details of the type and size of container you require. These are classified by type and volume: skips are 4.6, 6.1, 9.2, and 12.2 cu.metres. You must provide an accurate and detailed description of the waste you intend to put in the skip and your purchase order number. Without all of these your request cannot be processed.

What are my legal responsibilities relating to skip hire?

As the person organising the skip, you will have responsibility for ensuring that the skip is managed in accordance with relevant legislation, including the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005, Waste Electronic and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006, Waste Regulations 2011 and Environmental Protection Act 1990 (s34 Duty of Care).  Briefing notes are available in the environmental compliance section of the sustainability website. 

You must ensure the following requirements are met:

Reuse Reuse options must be considered before disposing of waste in the skip e.g. furniture.
Waste types The following waste types must not be disposed of in the skip:
  • Electrical Items. These should be disposed of by contacting the Campus Services Helpdesk.
  • Hazardous Wastes.  These include plasterboard, asbestos, batteries, tyres, gas cylinders, pressurised containers, paints, chemicals or fluorescent tubes.  Please note this is not an exhaustive list.  Please consult the A to Z guide or contact the Environment and Sustainability Adviser if you are unsure.
  • Liquids (of any description).
The mixing of non-hazardous and hazardous waste is banned under the Landfill Regulations 2002. If hazardous waste is found in a general waste skip, the whole contents are classified as hazardous waste and you will be charged appropriately for the higher costs of disposal.
On site management The skip must not be used by contractors (unless they have arranged their own skip) or members of the public. 

Please report any instances of this to the Environment and Sustainability Adviser.

Legal documentation You will need to complete and sign a Waste Transfer Note on removal of the skip.  This is a legal document that the University is required to keep for two years.  Please ensure a copy is sent to Anthony Partridge (Old Library).

What else should be considered?

  • Skips should be on campus for the shortest time feasible.
  • Skips should be lockable (and kept locked when not in use) wherever possible.
  • Any skips containing combustible materials should be placed at least 8m from any building or building overhang. If this is not feasible and they have to be placed less than 8m, then the skip should have a lockable lid that must be locked at the end of each day. All skips should be covered and locked when not in use and the person managing the skip is responsible for ensuring it is locked.
  • Skips must not be overfilled.
  • Waste must not be left outside a skip.

Where can I find further information?

  • If you have any questions regarding skip hire please contact Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk. 
  • If you have any queries regarding environmental compliance, please email Sustainability
  • Environmental compliance section of the University Website provides further information.

The contract for laboratory waste and hazardous waste for the Streatham and St Luke's Campus is with Tradebe.

There are important legal requirements relating to the disposal of hazardous waste that the University must comply with. Through this contract we have put in place mechanisms to ensure that our disposal processes meet these requirements. It is therefore important that staff do not use alternative services without prior discussion with the contract manager.

Key contacts

The key contact for the University for any questions, queries or comments is Caroline Yoe who can be contacted at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk. 

Please ONLY contact Tradebe to submit your collection request at sales@labwaste.co.uk as this will help us to monitor the quality of service we receive.

What materials can be disposed of via the contract?

Accepted Not accepted
Aerosols Clinical waste
Batteries Electrical waste
First aid boxes  
Flammable chemicals Light bulbs / Light tubes
Gas cylinders Any non hazardous waste
Halogenated waste  
HPLC waste  
Lab chemicals & reagents  
Mercury waste/Thermometers  
Non halogenated waste  
Out of date chemicals  
Toxic chemicals  
Maintenance products  
Pyrophoric chemicals  
Tip boxed  

Can I dispose of 'Unknown' waste?

When disposing of chemical waste we must be able to accurately describe it i.e. what is the chemical name and what are the hazardous properties. If you have waste to dispose of which does not have any labelling or you are unsure of how to describe it (an “unknown” waste”), then please contact Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk, who will then contact Tradebe to characterise the waste – it must be agreed by the College managers who will be responsible for paying for this characterisation.

Please note – Tradebe are not able to remove any waste from our campuses that has not been characterised or described correctly. We encourage all those who generate waste to ensure it is clearly labelled during storage and use to avoid expensive disposal costs.

How to register to use the contract?

Any person/department wishing to use this service for the first time should contact:- Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk.

How to use the service?

All requests must be submitted on a collection note and sent to sales@labwaste.co.uk , at least 48 hours prior to any collection.  Any requests after that will not be collected.

Disposing of laboratory equipment

Before disposing of any lab equipment a photograph should be sent to Tradebe giving details of the equipment as it may not have to be scrapped.

Please find information on the Tradebe collection schedule here

Who pays for the collections?

Departments will be billed directly for the items that they have requested to be disposed of. You will need to provide Tradebe with a purchase order.

Consignment notes

All consignment notes must be completed in full and signed at the point the waste is consigned. Tradebe provide the University with copies of the consignments notes, which we hold centrally.

What are my legal responsibilities relating to the Labwaste contract?

As the person organising, generating, storing and consigning the waste, you will have responsibility for ensuring that the waste is managed in accordance with relevant legislation, including the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 and Environmental Protection Act 1990 (s34 Duty of Care).  Briefing notes are available in the Environmental Compliance section of the Sustainability website.

What if I find hazardous waste that does not belong to me?

If you are unsure of the owner of the waste then please contact Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk at the first instance, who will then review and allocate an owner where possible.

What should I do if I have missed a collection?

Please contact Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk in the first instance.

How will we monitor performance and quality of service of Tradebe?

The Contract for Tradebe will be monitored monthly by the Contracts Manager and this will incorporate KPI’s including Delivery, Quantities, Types of Waste, Quality of Service.

Is there a central store where I can move my waste to until the collection date?

There is no central store facility, please ensure waste to be removed is clearly labelled and stored correctly within your areas until the collection can be made.

Where do I send my collection note?

Please send your collection request to sales@labwaste.co.uk

Helpful links:

Paper Recycling – Restore Datashred

Daily Paper Recycling

Large grey, locked and secure paper recycling consoles have been provided by Restore Datashred and can be found strategically positioned in most buildings, usually positioned by other recycling bins. These consoles are for daily use of all paper, including confidential. The consoles are emptied by Restore Datashred on Thursdays at Streatham Campus and Fridays for St Lukes Campus, with flexibility during exams and other busy periods.

Please do not over fill these consoles. Visible, in reach paper becomes a GDPR security risk. If you notice a console becoming full, please report to the Campus Services Helpdesk immediately so that the Facilities Operations team can attend. Please avoid bulk use (see below) to help keep the consoles accessible for all building users.

To find where your nearest paper console is, please click here: Restore Datashred Consoles Locations

Bulk Paper Recycling (office moves etc.)

If you are planning a clear out or disposal of large amounts of paper, please order separate bags to fill. These can be ordered by using a Facilities Operations move it form and having them delivered from the Old Library store. When you have filled these bags, please then submit a disposal request for our Facilities Assistants to collect. Once collected, these bags are taken to a secure on-site container ready to be shredded by Restore Datashred and then recycled.

The bags:
• These are not designed to be secure, so once full they must be stored in a secure location such as a locked office until collection, never in public spaces or next to bins. You will be accountable if found in a non-secure area.
• The bags are made of paper so that they can be shredded without the contents being viewed. This also avoids the use of plastics, which is the alternative bag available if needed on request for heavier disposals, journals etc
• Please do not overfill these bags (use the marker for guidance) as they split easily. Lots of light bags are preferable to few heavy ones. If you can’t easily lift them, they’re too heavy.

What goes in the bags What must not go in the bags
All paper General and food waste
Confidential paper, invoice, statements Plastics (except pockets containing documents)
Newspapers, books, magazines Polystyrene
Staples, paper clips and lever arch files are okay Metal
  Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
  Hazardous waste

Restore Datashred

Our contractors Restore Datashred provide us with a secure and confidential disposal and recycling service, being ISO27001 (information and security), ISO14001 (environmental management) and ISO9001 (quality management system) accredited. If you have any problems or feedback, such as missed collections, please contact Caroline Yoe at facilitiesmanagement@exeter.ac.uk.

 Location of recycling bins

Waste Disposals are chargeable. There are 2 exceptions to this; IT equipment and paper. The table below shows the charge for each item that we dispose of most frequently (these charges are subject to change)






Paper and Confidential




Commercial Fridges


IT equipment






Filing Cabinets







Here is the link for the form