Forms and templates
Forms and templates
Adverts for Academic posts
- Graduate Research Assistant advert
- Postdoctoral Research Associate Advert
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow advert
- Senior Research Fellow advert
Education & Scholarship
- Associate Lecturer (E&S) advert
- Lecturer (E&S) advert
- Senior Lecturer (E&S) advert
- Associate Professor (E&S) advert
Education & Research
- Lecturer (E&R) advert
- Senior Lecturer (E&R) advert
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (E&R) combined advert
- Associate Professor (E&R) advert
- Professor (E&R) advert
Support roles
Please only create a new job description if there are no suitable existing templates or descriptions. All new and amended job descriptions will need to be assessed in order to determine if a HERA evaluation is required to confirm grading. For further information, please click here to visit our HERA webpages. For further advice on amending existing job descriptions, please contact your HR Business Partner or the HERA specialist at
Job Description Key Information
Academic job description templates
- Graduate Research Assistant job description and person spec
- Postdoctoral Research Associate job description and person spec
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow job description and person spec
- Senior Research Fellow job description and person spec
- KTP Associate Grade E job description and person spec
- KTP Associate Grade F job description and person spec
Education & Scholarship
- Associate Lecturer (E&S) job description and person spec
- Lecturer (E&S) job description and person spec
- Senior Lecturer (E&S) job description and person spec
- Associate Professor (E&S) job description and person spec
Education & Research
- Lecturer (E&R) job description and person spec
- Senior Lecturer (E&R) job description and person spec
- Associate Professor (E&R) job description and person spec
- Professor job description and person spec
Support roles
- Leaver Form (includes e-SR1 request for replacement role)
- e-SR1 request form (new position)
- Interview notes pack
- Interview Expenses Form (for candidates)
- Interview Expenses Notes (for candidates)
- International Payment Request form, (for candidates needing payments to an international bank account)
- Interview Expenses Notes (for candidates)
- International Payment Request form, (for candidates needing payments to an international bank account)
- Relocation Assistance Scheme administration guidance