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Training Level 2

Level 2 training in mental health and suicide safety builds on knowledge gained at level 1. Content to support level 2 training has been specifically developed by practitioners from our Wellbeing Services at the University of Exeter to support ALL student-facing roles.

The training sessions are 3 3/4 hours, in-person, and restricted to 20 participants to encourage a safe and supportive learning environment.

The session aims to:

  • Define Mental health and Ill-health
  • Explore the impact of poor mental health on the student experience
  • Develop confidence in recognising and supporting students in poor mental health, distress and crisis
  • Develop helpful communication techniques
  • Spot warning signs of poor mental health
  • Respond sensitively when supporting students from diverse backgrounds
  • Respond safely and confidently to someone experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • Understand  ‘next steps’ and signposting routes
  • Understand the importance of self-care - ‘supporting you to support the student’
  • Contribute and make a difference to the university’s  suicide safer community

Book onto level 2 training

The Level 2 training is now available. Please book here.

If you have any enquiries, please email


We would like to encourage all student facing colleagues to complete level 2 of this training programme, but it is not compulsory.

We would like as many people as possible to complete the level 2 training but priority will initially be given to student facing colleagues. If you are student facing, have completed level 1 and feel able to complete the level 2 training, please do sign up as soon as the level 2 sessions become available.

As more training sessions become available, we intend to make spaces available for interested colleagues who are not student facing.

The University is committed to a whole University approach to supporting those of us within our community who are experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing. There is no formal expectation of you after the training. The training will give you knowledge and confidence to notice if a student may be having poor mental health, start having the initial conversation and to know referral and signposting options. Therefore you will be a key player in creating safe and supportive communities within the University.

The level 2 training will be held in person and a variety of date and times will be offered. There is no online option for level 2.

The training focusses on general awareness raising of mental health and suicide safety. There will be a variety of teaching methods including small and large group discussions and case studies. We encourage participants to get involved but there is no expectation to share personal information or role play scenarios.


It is recommended that you complete level 1 before you attend level 2.

Communities of practice sessions will be scheduled in the Autumn term facilitated by the wellbeing training team. They will run fortnightly and are designed to support colleagues with the practicalities of applying the information learnt, and to build on knowledge. There will be the opportunity for group sessions to learn from each other and share good practice, and also for one to one sessions.

Level 2 training must be completed before you can apply for level 3 training. The Level 3 training is a two-day Mental Health First Aid course where people will be trained to have a role as a Mental Health First Aider. If you are interested in being a MHAider in the future please discuss this with your line manager.

This is a personal decision based on your own feelings towards completing the training. If you would like to discuss the course content with the trainers beforehand, or have any questions please e mail For information on wellbeing support for colleagues please see our Wellbeing pages.