Employability Monsters

Interested in helping shape the Employability and Careers support for students from under-represented groups?

Through our “Employability Monsters” research project we want to explore and better understand the challenges and barriers that students from underrepresented groups face with their future career choices. In signing up you’ll take part in workshops and use LEGO Serious Play® as a way to explore the challenges and barriers you face in developing your employability and future career plans.

The Career Zone is looking for 100 students (UK first and final year undergraduates) from the following underrepresented groups:

  • Lower socio–economic (students in receipt of an Access to Exeter Bursary)
  • BAME,
  • Disabled,
  • Mature,
  • Care leavers/care experienced/estranged students.

All participants will receive a £10 Voucher and importantly a free set of LEGO!

What is involved?

  • Register an interest (see below) to receive further details and an online consent form to complete.
  • You will be invited to attend a 90 minute facilitated online workshop in February/March with up to 10 other students. In the workshop you will be guided to explore employability challenges and barriers.
  • After completion of an online questionnaire, you will receive a Personal Employability Report to help you identify areas of development with your employability.  
  • You will have the opportunity to have 1-1 careers support.
  • You will be invited to attend a workshop during the summer term to inform you of the results and outcomes of the Project.

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in taking part in the Project please complete the following registration of interest form. Click here.

A member of the Project Team will then be in contact with further details. If you have any questions, please contact employabilitymonsters@exeter.ac.uk