Help with using AI

Help with using AI

Help with using AI

Help with using AI

Help with using AI

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used by applicants to support job applications and by employers in their recruitment practices. This page outlines how you can use AI more effectively and responsibly in your own applications, and how you may encounter and prepare for AI during recruitment and selection.

Using Generative AI in your Applications

‘Generative’ AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can generate statistically probable outputs (text, images, or other media) when prompted, based on patterns and structures in data that it has been trained on.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a type of generative AI that have been trained on massive amounts of text to generate human-like responses. LLMs use algorithms to understand what you’re asking and builds a response by predicting what the next word should be based on language patterns in its training data.

Examples of LLMs are ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, and Claude.  Some generative AI tools are free to access, but some require you to pay or subscribe to access additional tools and functionality.

Learn more: Understanding Generative Artificial Intelligence

Develop strong application skills and knowledge

Before using generative AI to help you when writing CVs, cover letters and application forms, make sure you first have a strong understanding about how to write them effectively.

Remember what recruiters want to see in a job application:

✓ Specific examples of your unique personal experiences and achievements that demonstrate the skills required for the job

✓ Evidence of your passion and motivation to work for the organisation

✓ Your unique and authentic voice and personality

✓ Accurate grammar and spelling with compelling use of language

Learn more: Help with CVs, Cover Letter, and Applications

Check each recruiter's guidelines for applicants

Some employers seek to detect content that has been copied from an AI tool and they may disqualify your application as a result. Always check and follow an employer’s guidelines.

Understand privacy risks

Always check the privacy policy of each AI tool you use so that you understand what you are agreeing to about how the information you provide will be used, stored and deleted.

Review your privacy and security settings in the AI tool and set them accordingly.

Avoid sharing any personal, confidential or sensitive information and anonymise any data when prompting a generative AI tool.

Generative AI can help you come up with ideas and structure your thoughts. However, AI doesn’t know you and is unable to reflect and tailor your unique personal experiences and achievements precisely to the role and organisation you are applying to.

Ensure that you:

  • Research what skills and qualities the recruiter is looking for and reflect on your examples for them. Use the STAR framework to help structure your examples.

Remember, if your application is successful, you will be required to talk about your experiences, skills and motivations at interview.

The utility of AI-generated content largely depends on the quality of the prompt it is given. Tips on how to prompt generative AI effectively include:

  • Be clear and specific about what you want the AI to generate: Vague prompts lead to generic, irrelevant, and inaccurate outputs.
  • Provide context: Provide relevant background information and explain the purpose of your request to help the AI generate more relevant content.
  • Give detailed information about relevant points you want the AI to include: For example, specify any relevant experiences, quantifiable achievements and motivations that should be highlighted to demonstrate your suitability for the role and organisation
  • Give instructions on the desired tone, format and length.
  • Iterate and refine: Continuously review and refine your prompt based on initial AI responses, incorporating additional details or adjustments to enhance accuracy and relevance.

Whilst effective prompting can get you closer to outputs that meet your requirements, it is unlikely to deliver the final product and any content will still require further review, adaptation and personalisation to ensure it is accurate to you, your experiences and the role.

AI-generated text is helpful as a starting point or for inspiration which should then be reviewed, adapted and personalised as part of your writing process. AI-generated content isn't the finished product, so avoid copying text directly from an AI tool to use in an application.

Recruiters want to see applications that reflect your authentic self

Generative AI often produces generic and formulaic text which lacks authenticity and doesn't reflect your personal experiences or tone. While coherent, the text often contains common phrases and identical wording to many other AI-generated applications, which is obvious to recruiters and does not make a good first impression.

Ensure that you review and adapt any AI-generated content so that the language, tone and content of your applications is tailored to the role and accurately reflects your personal voice, unique qualities and previous experiences.

Is the information correct?

AI-generated information may be out of date or from an inaccurate source. It is crucial to verify the accuracy of any AI-generated information and cross-reference against other sources.

AI in Recruitment and Selection

A growing number of employers are utilising AI to help with their recruitment processes, particularly in the earlier stages of recruitment. Recent research (Nov 2023) from the Institute of Student Employers (ISE) shows that 28% of large graduate recruiters are now using AI in their recruitment, increasing from 9% in 2022.

If applying to a large multi-national company, your CV will likely be assessed by an AI-powered Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for initial screening.

An ATS will first extract the text from your CV to scan and analyse its contents. These systems have difficulty reading pictures, graphics, tables, or information in columns, so ensure your CV is formatted appropriately.

An ATS will analyse the contents of your CV looking for key words and evidence of the skills, knowledge, and qualities from the criteria in the job description. CVs with a high ATS score have a higher chance of progressing to human review by the recruitment team.

Employers frequently utilise AI-powered online psychometric tests and game-based assessments to evaluate candidate responses, skills, and behaviour. You can strengthen your performance in these assessments through practice via dedicated resources found here: 

Online pre-recorded video interviews require candidates to record responses to pre-set interview questions within a specified timeframe. Some video interview platform use AI to analyse and score answers based on verbal communication (e.g. key words and phrases, speech patterns, tone of voice) and non-verbal communication (e.g. body language and facial expressions).

Further Support

You can book an appointment with us to get your CV, cover letter, application form, or LinkedIn profile checked. You can contact us via the Live Chat icon at the bottom of this page, or you can phone us on +44(0)1392 724493 (all campuses). For any other enquiries, you can email us at

The University is committed to the ethical and responsible use of generative AI tools in our education practices, and pledge to prepare our students and staff to be global change agents in this rapidly shifting landscape. We recognise that in the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the rapid technological advancement we have seen in the 21st century – the use of generative AI, and skills like prompt engineering, will be crucial to the future of the workplace. We are committed to ensuring that our graduates are prepared with the AI skills they need to enter it.

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