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Humanist Chaplaincy

Humanist Chaplaincy

Humanist Chaplaincy

ASW 220 x 200

Dr Anastasia Somerville-Wong

Humanist Chaplain


Anastasia Somerville-Wong's full profile

A Humanist is someone whose knowledge is based on reason and evidence, who lives an ethical life based on empathy and compassion, and who strives to build a kinder, fairer and more reasonable society.

"Humanism in a nutshell"

  1. Putting human beings and other living things at the centre of your moral outlook.
  2. Seeing the world as a natural place, and looking to science and reason to make sense of it.
  3. Promoting and supporting human flourishing across all frontiers, and championing human rights for everyone.

Humanists UK (formerly the British Humanist Association (BHA))

Humanist and Progressive Fellowship

The Humanist and Progressive Fellowship is the main activity of the Humanist Chaplaincy.