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Sociology and Criminology Modules 2024/5

Stage One Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
SOC1000 Contemporary Society: Themes, Perspectives and Case Studies301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1001 Social Analysis301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1028 Media and Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1039 Social Issues: Part I - Introducing Crime and Deviance151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1040 Social Issues: Part II - Themes in Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1045 Introduction to Criminal Justice151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1053 Imagining Social Worlds: Social Research Methods152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Two Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
SOC2005 Theoretical Sociology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2024 Power and Domination152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2025 Current Themes in the Sociology of Sport151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2033 Addiction152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2034 Gender and Society 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2035 International Criminal Justice: Comparative Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2036 International Criminal Justice: Application of Theory to Transnational and International Crime151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2039 Sociology of Family and Gender151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2062 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2063 Policy Analysis in Criminology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2064 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2067 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2068 Race, Ethnicity and Criminalisation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2069 Crimes of the Powerful151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2098 Sociology of Imprisonment151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2101 Police and Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2104 Victimology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2114 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2115 Deception152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2126 Forensic Science, Conflict and Justice152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2127 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2129 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2130 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2133 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2134 Emotions, the Body and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2135 Forensic Cultures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2136 Deprivation of liberty: Imprisonment and beyond152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2137 Organised Crime and Criminal Networks152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Three Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
SOC3013 Gender and Society 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3033 Addiction152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3034 International Criminal Justice: Comparative Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3036 International Criminal Justice: Application of Theory to Transnational and International Crime151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3040 Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3098 Sociology of Imprisonment151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3101 Police and Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3104 Victimology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3108 Sociology of Family and Gender151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3111 Evidence-Based Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3114 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3115 Deception152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3120 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3121 Policy Analysis in Criminology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3122 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3125 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3126 Race, Ethnicity and Criminalisation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3127 Crimes of the Powerful151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3134 Forensic Science, Conflict and Justice152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3135 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3137 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3138 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3141 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3142 Emotions, the Body and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3143 Forensic Cultures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3145 Deprivation of liberty: Imprisonment and beyond152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3147 Power and Domination152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3148 Current Themes in the Sociology of Sport151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3149 Organised Crime and Criminal Networks152View on ELE (current students only)

Masters Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
SOCM002A Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM002B Philosophy of the Social Sciences302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM016 Cultures of the Life Sciences302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM019 Research Methods in the Social Sciences151View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM020 Research Methods in the Social Sciences301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM021 Food Systems, Alternative Food Networks and Ethical Consumption302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM022 Food, Body and Society301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM023 Social Theory152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM027 Social Theory302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM031 Evidence-Based Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM033 Data Governance and Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM044 Food and Sustainability: Economy, Society and Environment 152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM045 Food and Sustainability: Economy, Society and Environment 302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM046 Meaning, Making Consuming 301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM047 Understanding Media301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM049 Magic and Ritual152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM050 Secrecy Studies: On Concealment, Disclosure and Revelation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM051 Dissertation601, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM052 Cultures and Environments of Health301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM053 Making, Using and Contesting Evidence301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM904 Dissertation603View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM945 Philosophy of Science301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM950 Science Technology and Society301View on ELE (current students only)