Safer walking routes on Streatham
Safer walking routes on St Luke's
Safer walking route floor markings

Safer walking route sign posts

Safer walking routes and CCTV

Safer Walking Routes

The Safer walking Route initiative encourages you to use dedicated footpaths in and around both St Luke’s and Streatham campuses.

These dedicated walkways have enhanced lighting along with coverage by the University CCTV cameras along many paths.

Keep an eye out for the floor and lamppost signs that mark out the routes on campus.

You can also find the Safer Walking Routes marked in green on the campus maps. Click the links to find out more.


The University of Exeter has a campus-wide CCTV scheme in operation, with over 900 cameras throughout the sites. This is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by our Estate Patrol team within the Security Operations Control Centre.

This scheme is highly regulated, and helps with the prevention, detection and deterrence of crime for our students, staff and campus community.