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Casual workers' information

Casual workers' information

Casual workers' information

New timesheet submission process

From 5 August 2024, casual workers will submit their timesheets through iTrent Self-Service, and will no longer submit via eClaims.

The guidance for workers and managers has been updated accordingly.

How to register and get paid

Please read and follow these instructions in full before you start working. If you experience difficulties at any stage please email the Temporary Resourcing Team at  before continuing.

If you have completed this process before and are unsure whether you need to again, please contact the Temporary Resourcing Team ( before continuing.

Casual claims process

All new casual workers, or those who have been removed from our payroll system, must complete the Casual Claims Registration Form. Please do not move forward in the process until this form has been submitted. Please note that registration forms can take up to 7 days to be processed following submission.

For instructions on how to complete this form please review these guidelines - How to complete the casual claims registration form

If you’re experiencing a problem whilst applying and receive the following error message ‘email address has already been registered’, this is because you have used this email address previously to complete an application for the University, therefore will need to use an alternative email address. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact the Temporary Resourcing Team at before continuing, or try our PS Connect Portal, your starting point for Professional Services Support.

Overseas Workers

If you are carrying out University of Exeter work whilst based overseas please let the Temporary Resourcing Team know at the point of registration. Please be aware that all workers are subject to UK tax and national insurance deductions for short term work. However, you may also be liable to pay tax and social security in the country you are working and there may be penalties for non-compliance.

You are not permitted to start working until you have supplied evidence of your right to work in the UK to the Temporary Resourcing Team. You must supply this evidence when you first register as a casual worker, when you re-register, or if you have a break in work of 12 months or more. 

This applies to all casual workers, regardless of nationality or duration of work.

There are a number of ways you can have your right to work in the UK verified, depending on your location and circumstances. Please review the options below, identify the one that applies to you, and follow the instructions. You will also be asked to select one of these options on your Casual Claims Registration Form (step 1).

  • I hold a British or Irish Passport and am based in Exeter

Please bring your Passport to HR Reception which is located at Main Reception in Northcote House on Streatham Campus. You can find a map of Streatham Campus here. The HR Reception Desk is open from 10am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.

  • I hold a British Passport and am based on our Cornwall Campus, or remotely. Or, I am not able to travel to Streatham Campus

If this option applies to you, you will be asked to indicate this on your Casual Claims Registration Form in step 1. Once your registration form has been processed (within 7 days of receipt), you will receive an email from ‘Trust ID’ with instructions on how to upload a copy of your Passport and other information for us to view. Once you have submitted your ‘Trust ID’ check, please book an appointment to have your Passport verified virtually.

If you fall into this category but do not need to submit a Casual Claims Registration Form, please email and request a ‘Trust ID’ right to work check.

  • I am a Visa Holder or a member of the EU Settlement Scheme

We are able to verify Visas (including EU settled and pre-settled status) virtually via Teams. Please now book an appointment using our Bookings System.

Once you have booked your appointment please send a copy of your BRP (if applicable), and your Share Code to These must be received before your appointment.

You can download your Share Code online here.

If you are on a Student Visa, you also need to supply us with the following:

- Confirmation of your Term Dates for right to work purposes - please request this letter from the SID, ensuring that the letter states your specific student type and is for right to work purposes and send to

  • I am a Student Ambassador

If you have already had your right to work in the UK checked by a member of University staff, or you are a Student Ambassador, you will be able to include this on your Casual Claims Registration Form.

If none of these options apply to you, or if you have any questions before selecting the most applicable option, please contact the Temporary Resourcing Team at

Please ensure your right to work check has been completed before your work starts.

Information for Visa holders:

If your Visa is stamped in an expired Passport this cannot be accepted as evidence of right to work in the UK (unless you have a non EEA family member of an EEA national visa).

If you hold a Student Visa you must also supply a letter from the Student Information Desk confirming your term dates in relation to your visa restrictions. As a student please also ensure you have read and understood the working restrictions that apply to you. See step 7 for more information.

Please read the information under step 8 regarding Visa Expiries.

Overseas Workers:

Overseas casual workers can only be considered in business critical circumstances. No overseas casual work should start until it has been reviewed by the HR Global Mobility Advisor. Please contact Global Mobility to discuss.

Once your Casual Claims Registration Form has been processed, the Temporary Resourcing Team will arrange an associate IT account for you. You will be sent these details directly. 

You will use your associate IT account to log in to iTrent Self-Service, to submit your claims.

If at any point you cannot recall your password for a University IT account, please contact the IT Helpdesk on 01392 725050 and select the IT option, before choosing the Staff Business Critical IT option to transfer directly to IT helpdesk staff and they can re-set this over the phone. 


You will need to make a claim to be paid for your work.

Submitting an hours claim

Login to iTrent and submit your claim on ‘Paid Time’. 

Submitting a set fee claim

Login to iTrent and submit your claim on ‘Time & Expenses’. 

Please ensure you submit your timesheets by the monthly deadline

You can view your payslips and P60 on iTrent Self Service.

You will be paid on the allocated pay day of the month by BACs transfer into your nominated bank account. The Pay and Benefits office cannot draw advance payments for claims in advance of the normal allocated pay date.

You can track the progress of your timesheet in eClaims under eClaims Home. Here you can view claims awaiting approval and all claims. If your claim’s approval status is grey then it is still awaiting approval. If it is green, it has been approved.

Your approvers will receive one email a month (3 days before the monthly approval deadline) highlighting that they have claims awaiting their approval. If you are concerned that your approvers will not meet the monthly approval deadline, please speak to them in advance of the deadline to ensure your claims are approved on time.

The Payroll office is unable to pay in advance of the monthly pay dates if the submission or approval deadlines are missed. You can review the Payroll deadlines online.

Important Information for Students:

The University recommends that undergraduate students should not work more than 15 hours per week during term time as this may adversely affect their studies. They can work full time during University holidays.

The University recommends that postgraduate students should not work more than 6 hours per week as covered by the Code of Good Practice - Employment of Postgraduate Students and may not be able to work full time hours during normal University holidays, as their courses do not necessarily follow the usual University calendar.

Important Information for Tier 4 visa holders:

Workers on a Tier 4 (General) Student visa are allowed by government to work up to 20 hours per week during term-time, and full-time during University holidays. The holiday period in which students can work full-time is defined differently, depending on the level at which they are studying:

  • Undergraduate Students – the 20 hour work limit applies during the standard University term dates. Full time work is permitted during the vacation periods and from the end of their last term at the University until the time their visa expires.
  • Postgraduate Taught (Masters) Students – the 20 hour work limit applies during the standard University term dates and also during the summer vacation period, when they are writing their dissertation. Full-time work is then permitted from the time they submit their dissertation until the date their visa expires.
  • Postgraduate Research Students – the 20 hour limit applies throughout their programme. Please see information below regarding working hours following thesis submission.

 If you have a Student Visitor visa you are not allowed to work.

Postgraduate Research Students - Working hours post submission of thesis

  • Limited to 20 hours per week throughout studies until thesis is submitted
  • Can work full-time whilst awaiting viva (between the date thesis submitted and the date of the viva)
  • Limited to 20 hours per week while writing up corrections (between viva and submitting corrected thesis)
  • Can work full-time after submitting your corrected thesis until the date the visa expires

In order to work and claim for over 20 hours per week following thesis submission, you must send a letter to the TRU confirming that you have submitted your thesis and are awaiting your viva. You must then let the TRU know when your viva has been arranged, and again when you have fully submitted your thesis post corrections. You are responsible for ensuring you do not exceed your weekly working restriction.

It is the responsibility of the visa holder to ensure the University has a verified copy of their current right to work documents at all times.

If your visa is due to expire whilst you are working for the University, and you have applied for an extension or change to your visa, you must let the Temporary Resourcing Unit (TRU) know before your visa expires.

If you have made an application to extend or change your visa, you must present the TRU with your visa application letter and reference number. The TRU will then perform a check via the Home Office which will confirm your right to work status.

You must not undertake any work once your visa expires, until the TRU have conducted and confirmed receipt of a Home Office right to work check, or you are able to present the TRU with your new visa.

If you continue to work after your visa expiry date, without having provided the TRU with updated information regarding your right to work status, you will not receive payment for that work and consideration will be given to disciplinary action and/or you may be excluded from undertaking further work for the University.

Further information

Casual workers should not work more than 36.5 hours per week. If you are required to work over this number of hours your line manager should request approval for the additional hours from their HR Business Partner. Under no circumstances should a casual worker regularly work more than 48 hours per week.

Rest Breaks

All casual workers have the right to one uninterrupted 20 minute rest break during the working day, if you work more than 6 hours a day.


See the step 7 for further guidance on student restrictions.

Young workers

 Young workers are those above school leaving age and under 18. The following guidelines should be considered if you are a young worker: 

  • A 30 minute rest break must be taken if you work more than 4.5 hours in 1 shift (if possible this should be 1 continuous break)
  • Daily rest break of 12 hours
  • Weekly rest break of 48 hours
  • Maximum working day of 8 hours (excluding breaks)
  • Maximum working week of 40 hours (excluding breaks) over 5 days

Over 18s

All casual workers over the age of 18 have the right to the following: 

  • 1 uninterrupted 20 minute rest break in your working day, if you work more than 6 hours a day
  • 11 hours rest between working days e.g. if you finish work at 20:00, you shouldn’t start work again until 07:00 the next day
  • Weekly rest: should be considered as either an interrupted 24 hours without any work each week, or an uninterrupted 48 hours without any work each fortnight

Please be aware that if you are employed by the University on a Permanent or Fixed Term Contract basis you should not use iTrent Self-Service to claim for additional hours. You should instead complete a PD103 form.

Note: this information applies to casual workers only

To get a National Insurance number you need to contact DWP: 0800 141 2075.

Please note that if you call from a mobile or a non-BT landline then it will be charged at the rate set by your service provider.

You need to be in the UK when you phone. You will speak to an advisor and will need the following information to hand: 

  • your postal address in the UK (with a postcode eg EX4 2AB)
  • your contact phone number (mobile or landline)
  • your medical details

If you are non-EU: 

  • your visa expiry date
  • where your visa was issued (it can be the country or the city)

If you are dual nationality (with one being an EU nation) you will need all of the above.

You will also need a piece of paper and a pen as you will be given a reference number and another phone number. You must write these down in case your application gets lost.

At the end of the phone call either:

  • you will be invited for interview at the nearest Job Centre Plus (Taunton or Plymouth) if you are an EU national or a dual nationality (with an EU country)
  • you will be sent an application pack in the post (within 10 working days; you will need to return this ASAP as it has an expiry date) if you are a non-EU national
  1. Name of employer: University of Exeter. Address: Northcote House, The Queen's Drive, Exeter EX4 4QJ.
  2. Location: You may be required to work in any University location or in any other area where the University is expected to provide a service as may be requested from time to time.
  3. The University is not under any obligation to provide paid work, nor are you under any obligation to accept any work which is offered.
  4. You will only be paid for work actually undertaken and completed. All work must be approved in advance by the appropriate person in the College/Service. The University reserves the right not to make payment when work has been undertaken without prior approval.
  5. If you are unable to work on a session that you previously agreed to work for any reason, then you must inform your line manager, or another senior member of staff, as soon as possible.
  6. The engagement will terminate at the end of the assignment without any further notice being given, unless previously terminated in accordance with the procedure referred to in (7) below.
  7. The assignment may be terminated at any time prior to its anticipated expiry by either party giving the required statutory notice where applicable.
  8. You should not undertake any work for the University unless you have the right to work in the UK under current immigration legislation. Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, the University is required to ask to see original copies of official documents before permitting you to work.
  9. If you have a visa which provides for limited leave to remain, you should not undertake any work for the University after the visa’s expiry date without first providing the Temporary Resourcing Unit with evidence of your continued right to work in the United Kingdom. For additional information please see step 8 of the Casual Worker Process Steps.
  10. Annual Leave: Your hourly rate/fee includes your pro-rata statutory entitlement to paid annual leave and bank holidays, as payment in advance of the period of leave. Details of the part of your hourly rate/fee which relates to paid leave and how this is calculated will be separately notified to you. The holiday year commences on 1 January and leave cannot be carried forward to another year. You need to ensure that you take your leave each year and outside peak times in the area where you normally work.
  11. Pension: The government now requires employers to enroll their workers into a pension scheme. There are various eligibility requirements: if you meet these you will be automatically enrolled into our workplace pension scheme for individuals on a claims basis and you will be notified of this. You can choose to opt out of the scheme if you want to, but if you stay in you will have your own pension which you can get when you retire. You can also choose to opt-in at any time if you meet the eligibility criteria. Further information can be found at or contact the Pay and Benefits Office.
  12. Tax and National Insurance may be deducted from payment due to you. To ensure that you pay the correct amount of tax, attach your P45 if you have one or forward this to the Pay and Benefits Office as soon as you receive it. National Insurance Contributions will be deducted unless you supply Department of Work and Pensions form CA4140.
  13. In appropriate circumstances, the University will pay Statutory Sick Pay and Statutory Maternity Pay subject to you meeting the qualifying criteria.
  14. Performance and Conduct Procedure: see appendix below
  15. Grievance Procedure: see appendix below
  16. Your line manager is responsible for ensuring that you are aware of the University's policy in respect of health and safety at work and to notify you of any specific procedures applicable to your working environment.
  17. All claims must be submitted through the approved University eClaims system. Knowingly making a false declaration is a serious offence which may result in disciplinary/criminal/civil action being taken by the University. When you have submitted your online timesheet via eClaims it will be available for approval by a previously nominated manager in the College/Service in which you worked. For a payment to be made at the end of a month, the online timesheet must be completed and approved by the published payroll deadline (see Payroll deadlines). If you have any queries concerning payment of your timesheet, you should contact the Temporary Resourcing Unit on Exeter 722983. Payment will only be made at one of the University’s authorised rates, which must be agreed in advance by the person authorising the work. All payments will be made by BACS. Payment cannot be made in advance of that working week's nominated pay day. All Casual Workers are paid one month in arrears. Claims/ Timesheets should be submitted via eClaims as soon as possible on completion of work carried out. Any claims submitted 90 days after the “week end date” will be declined for payment, unless there are exceptional circumstances for the delay.
  18. Expenses should be claimed using this link: Please note that expenses will only be paid if they are approved in advance, reasonable, supported by receipts, allowable under the University of Exeter's Expenses policy and in line with HMRC guidance. In most cases, expenses will be paid after deduction for income tax and National Insurance.
  19. Please note, a University of Exeter employee cannot have two jobs at the University (including occasional/casual worker) where the hours together would be greater than full time i.e. 36.5 hours.  In exceptional circumstances and where the additional role is significantly different from the employee's substantive role, there may be circumstances where this is allowable.  Written justification must be made and approval must be given by the Director of HR Services.  Please contact your HR Business Partner for more information.
  20. Confidentiality: You must not disclose any information of a confidential nature relating to the University (or any of its associated partners) to any third party, during or after your assignment except in the proper course of your assignment or as required by English law.
  21. Data protection: You are advised to read the University’s staff data privacy policy at Further information is also available at
  22. Intellectual Property Rights (“IP”): If you undertake an assignment which is likely to or does result in your creating outputs, deliverables, or any other resulting material or data which is new (“Results”) the University, as your employer in respect of the assignment, will either automatically own such Results or is likely to seek to have ownership of the Results transferred to it, including any form of IP which subsist(s) or may subsist therein. The Results may be created as part of a research project, consultancy or other academic or educational activity; please ensure that you understand the terms of any such research agreement or other contract which may affect your assignment and the relevant IP ownership or use.

In addition, please be aware that you may need to use existing third party owned content/IP during your assignment, which is likely to be subject to third party rights; please make sure that you are permitted to use such third party content and IP before doing so. If you are unsure about any IP related queries, including possible contract terms that might apply to your assignment, please contact your line manager, who may be able to assist you or who can contact a colleague for further guidance.

Appendix One: Performance and Conduct

Minor shortfalls in performance or minor breaches of discipline (eg lateness, careless mistakes, lack of attention to detail/instructions/procedures) will be discussed with the Temporary Worker by the manager of the assignment. The Temporary Worker may be offered additional support, training, advice, guidance or counselling, as appropriate.

In cases of more serious shortfalls in performance or breaches of discipline or repeated minor shortfalls/breaches, a manager in Human Resources will invite the Temporary Worker to a meeting to discuss the concerns. The Temporary Worker may be accompanied by a trade union representative or fellow worker. Following the meeting, the manager will write to the Temporary Worker advising of their decision. The manager may give the Temporary Worker a written warning or, where appropriate, may decide to terminate any current assignment.

If the Temporary Worker is not satisfied with the decision, they may submit a written appeal to the Director of Human Resources within one week. The appeal should state the grounds on which it is made. The appeal will be considered by a manager nominated by the Director of Human Resources who has not been previously involved. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to the Temporary Worker in writing and this decision will be final within the procedures of the University.

Appendix Two: Grievances

If a Temporary Worker, has a grievance relating to their assignment, they should attempt, as far as is reasonably possible, to resolve the grievance informally through discussions with the manager of the assignment. The Temporary Worker may wish to seek advice from a trade union representative or, for issues covered by the Policy on the Protection of Dignity at Work and Study, a Harassment Adviser, to facilitate the informal resolution of their concerns.

If the grievance cannot be resolved informally through discussions, because informal discussions are inappropriate or have failed to resolve the grievance, then the Temporary Worker should write to the Director of Human Resources clearly stating the issue about which they are aggrieved and the remedy sought.

The Director of Human Resources will refer the grievance to another manager in Human Resources for consideration. Where appropriate, the Temporary Worker will be invited to a meeting to discuss their grievance and may be accompanied by a trade union representative or fellow worker. The manager considering the grievance will write to the Temporary Worker advising of their decision.

If the Temporary Worker is not satisfied with the decision, they may submit a written appeal to the Director of Human Resources within one week. The appeal should provide a full written statement of the grievance to be considered, together with the remedy sought. The appeal will be considered by a manager nominated by the Director of Human Resources who has not been previously involved. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to the Temporary Worker in writing and this decision will be final within the procedures of the University.

If you are carrying out University of Exeter work whilst based overseas please let the Temporary Resourcing Team know at the point of registration. Please be aware that all workers are subject to UK tax and national insurance deductions for short term work. However, you may also be liable to pay tax and social security in the country you are working and there may be penalties for non-compliance.

Expenses will only be paid if they are approved in advance, reasonable, supported by receipts, and allowable under the University of Exeter's Expenses policy. Please note that the University would not normally pay expenses for any worker travelling to the University for work. All expenses will be paid in line with HMRC guidance. See Terms and Conditions accordion above.

Rates of pay and holiday pay

For casual workers (non Teaching and non Campus Services) assigned through Casual Claims or the Temporary Staff Bank, the Claims/TSB pay rates are aligned to the University's grading structure. It is the line manager's responsibility to ensure their casual worker is being paid the correct hourly rate.

With effect from 6th November 2023, the minimum rate of pay the University pays to casual workers will be £13.45 per hour including holiday pay.

The rate of pay for casual workers in Campus Services will therefore be £13.45 (£12.00 + £1.45 Holiday pay) per hour.

The casual supervisor rate for Campus Services will be £13.92 (£12.42 + £1.50 Holiday pay) per hour (ie casual worker rate + 3.5%).

The above hourly rates for casual workers are inclusive of the pro-rata statutory entitlement to 28 days paid annual leave and bank holidays, as payment in advance of the period of leave. The holiday year is 1 January to 31 December and casuals need to ensure that they take all their leave within the holiday year outside peak times in the area where they normally work and at times mutually agreed with their Manager.

For teachers and demonstrators paid on a claims basis in the 2022/23 academic year, the revised hourly rates shown below should be applied from the 1st August 2023.

DescriptionApplicable toPayspine pointHourly rateHoliday payTotal

Occasional Teacher A

(Teaching 101)

Teaching, which typically covers:
  • Postgraduate Teaching Assistants (from September 2014)1
  • Demonstrators, who deploy primarily subject-knowledge trouble-shooting in laboratories (eg demonstrating a piece of equipment) or marking student work to a given template, who are not required to provide student access outside of normal hours
Point 25 (Grade E) £17.03 £3.19 £20.22

Occasional Teacher B

(Teaching 102)

Individuals with limited teaching experience, which typically covers formal lecturing, leading seminars and tutorials.

This rate includes proportionate time for preparation etc and holidays2

Point 25 (Grade E) £34.07 £6.38 £40.45

Occasional Teacher C

(Teaching 103)

Individuals who are contributing at a level equivalent to the role profile for an Associate Lecturer (Education and Scholarship)3

This rate includes proportionate time for preparation etc and holidays2

Point 28 (Grade E) £36.86 £6.90 £43.76

Occasional Teacher D

(Teaching 104)

Individuals who are contributing at a level equivalent to the role profile for a Lecturer (Education and Scholarship)3

This rate includes proportionate time for preparation etc and holidays2

Point 34 (Grade F) £43.97 £8.23 £52.21

Occasional Teachers are expected to take responsibility for the delivery of part of whole modules, including any or all of the following: design and delivery of modules; setting and marking assignments and examinations; record keeping; student access; supervision of postgraduate students.


  1. For further information on the Employment of Postgraduate Students see the Code of Good Practice.
  2. The Occasional Teacher rates B, C and D include proportionate time for preparation etc (on a ratio of one hour preparation to one hour of teaching). All rates include payment in advance for pro-rata holiday entitlement of 41 days.
  3. The role profiles for Associate Lecturer (E&S) and Lecturer(E&S) can be found on the Exeter Academic pages.

Depending on the number of hours worked per year, casual workers are entitled to a maximum of 28 days paid annual leave (these can include Bank Holidays). The holiday pay is included within the hourly rate. 

Holiday taken must be by arrangement with the College/Service the casual worker is engaged by. Holiday must be taken during the assignment in which it has been accrued and cannot be carried over to the next assignment.

We appreciate that due to the short duration of some casual assignments, it may not be possible to take accrued holiday. Whether it is taken or not, the holiday is paid as part of the hourly rate. 

Please note the University holiday year runs from January to December and it is essential that you fit in your holiday periods during this time. Holiday pay cannot be carried over from one year to the next.