Degrees and Awards Assessment Procedures

This information is relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate taught students.

Your programme or College handbook should provide detailed information about your College arrangements for assessment. The University regulations and policies on assessment are contained within the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual.

To ensure parity of treatment for all students, the University has adopted a common set of assessment procedures for its taught undergraduate programmes. These regulations provide the rules for how your degree or award is decided, covering important areas such as:

  • definitions (including deferral, referral, condonement)
  • procedures for progression and awards
  • procedures for re-assessment (referral, deferral, and repeat study)
  • consequences of failure in referred and deferred assessments
  • Aegrotat Pass and Aegrotat Awards
  • classification of awards

For the full regulations please visit the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual.

Each College will supplement these procedures with a more detailed assessment marking strategy with the marking criteria specific to a College set out in the College or Programme handbook. 

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