Student Contract

For students studying with the University on a programme the Download the Student Contract 2024/25 will apply. The exceptions are students studying with the University on a fully online programme where the Student Contract (Distance Learners) 2024/25 will apply, and for students studying standalone online modules, where the Student Contract (Distance Learners) 2024/25 and the Student Contract (Distance Learners) Addendum will apply. In the following “Contract” is used to cover both contracts and addendum collectively.

Successful study at University stems from a partnership between students and staff. The Contract sets out how this partnership will operate and your rights and responsibilities as a student, and states the obligations of both parties to each other. In addition, there is information on programmes, tuition fees and complaints, cancellation and termination rights and data protection and intellectual property principles.

You must read the full terms of the Contract and the documents referred to in it, which are available on the University’s website, prior to accepting an offer of a place at the University and/ or before registration. You will be required to sign up to the Contract each year as part of your academic registration.

Your Contract with the University will be legally binding when it takes effect and it will govern your relationship with the University. If there is anything that you are unsure of, you should contact the University.

You may also have other contractual arrangements with other organisations, such as the Student Loans Company or accommodation provider. Make sure that you understand these separate arrangements.

The Student Contract received approval from the University’s Council in July 2019. A review is undertaken on an annual basis.

Amendments made to the Student Contract on an annual basis are set out here:

The Student Contract (Distance Learners) received approval from University’s Senate in September 2021. A review is undertaken on an annual basis.

When you accept an offer of a place, you enter into a contract with the University (or if there is no offer, when you register). The latest version of the contract that is available on this page when you accept your offer, or when you register, will be the contract between us.

Accessibility: If you would like a hard copy of the student contract, or a copy in another format, please contact SID.