DH Seminar: Visualising 15th-century interiors in the Palazzo Medici, Florence: linked data ontologies and digital modelling.
Digital Humanities Lab seminar series. Luca Brunke and Anna McGee: "Visualising 15th-century interiors in the Palazzo Medici, Florence: linked data ontologies and digital modelling". Digital Humanities Seminar Room 1. Join us for drinks and nibbles following the paper!
A Digital Humanities seminar | |
Date | 18 January 2023 |
Time | 15:30 to 17:00 |
Place | Digital Humanities Laboratory, Seminar Room 1 |
Event details
This paper offers the chance to reflect critically on an ongoing research project, the goal of which is to recover the 15th-century appearance of the interior spaces of the Palazzo Medici in Florence. Currently, we are working to visualise the architecture, artwork and spatial dynamics of the so-called ‘camera grande terrena’ which, in the last decades of the century, was occupied by Lorenzo 'the Magnificent' de’ Medici and decorated with Paolo Uccello’s Battle of San Romano paintings (amongst others). This is a collaborative project, led jointly by a doctoral art historian and digital modeller, and employs both traditional archival methods and innovative digital technologies. Our aim is to structure historical research as a machine-readable database (using the CIDOC CRM ontology) and recontextualise the paintings by adapting IIIF standards to 3D environments. In addition to the intended research outcome – an interrogable digital model that can be used as an analytical tool and adapted for a museum environment – this project provides an exciting test case for integrating the workflow of two distinct disciplines, to the advantage of each.
Luca Brunke is an AHRC-funded PhD candidate at the University of Exeter and the National Gallery, London. His research explores digital 3D reconstructions of Renaissance built environments and their link to underlying research data. He completed his MSc in Digital Archaeology at the University of Leiden and his BA at the University of Tübingen. He also worked as a Research IT 3D Modeller for the Florence4D project
Anna McGee is an AHRC-funded PhD student, working on a Collaborative Doctoral Project jointly supervised by the University of Exeter and the National Gallery, London. Her research focuses on artworks made for private palaces in 15th-century Florence. In particular, she is interested in the original decoration of liminal and transitional spaces in the domestic interior, such as thresholds, staircases and passageways. Anna gained her BA in the History of Art at the University of Cambridge, before going on to complete an MA in Curating at the Courtauld Institute of Art, where her dissertation focused on the display of Renaissance altarpiece fragments in the modern museum.
This seminar will be held in person and on Zoom. Please follow the link below if you wish to attend remotely.
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Digital Humanities Laboratory, Seminar Room 1