"Digital Infrastructure Innovation Dynamics, Computing in the Small, in the Large, and at Scale" Dr Carsten Sorensen (LSE)
Seminar - sponsored and hosted by the business school but co-organized by Egenis – Niccolo Tempini
Much data has sped through personal, local, and global data networks since Gore and Bangemann in the 1990 summarised the emergent importance of the Internet in terms of “The Information Superhighway” and “The Global Information Society”. It is difficult to succinctly characterise the changes global data communications have undergone since Tim Berners-Lee published the World Wide Web standard in 1991, and the first widely available Web Browser, Mosaic, followed in 1993. This talk will pragmatically summarise the architecture that has emerged in recent years as one combining: 1) Computing in the small through an expanding mobile and ubiquitous device ecology; 2) Computing in the large network connectivity through machine-to-machine, personal, local, and global digital infrastructures; and 3) Computing at scale, where powerful data-centres engage in heavy-lifting computational tasks utilising the exponential growth in processing power, reduction in storage costs, and increasingly complex capabilities.
An Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences seminar | |
Date | 20 March 2017 |
Time | 14:30 to 16:30 |
Place | Streatham Court 0.28 |
Event details
Based on this architecture, the talk will draw up some of the findings from a series of multi-year studies on the dynamics of digital infrastructures, for example, their reconfiguration as multi-sided digital platforms serving smartphone content and services. The talk will be aimed at a non-technical audience and will for the specially interested point towards recently published papers in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, etc.
Dr Carsten Sørensen is Reader (Associate Professor) in Digital Innovation within Department of Management at The London School of Economics and Political Science (carstensorensen.com). He also holds visiting professorships at University West and Halmstad University in Sweden and is 2015/16 recipient of an Otto Mønsted Visiting Professorship at Copenhagen Business School. Carsten holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Aalborg University, Denmark. He has since the 1980s researched digital innovation, for example innovating the digital enterprise through mobile technology (enterprisemobilitybook.com), and the innovation dynamics of mobile infrastructures and -platforms (digitalinfrastructures.org). Carsten has published widely within Information Systems since 1989 (scholar.carstensorensen.com), for example in MIS Quarterly, ISR, ISJ, JIT, Information & Organization, The Information Society, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, and Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. Carsten also has extensive experience as a Principal Investigator on a number of national, EU, and industry research grants in the UK and Sweden with a total budget of over £3million. He is a member of the Board of Directors of LSE Enterprise (www.lse.ac.uk/enterprise) and special advisor to the Customer Contact Association. Carsten as for a number of years been engaged in assisting and assessing digital start-ups and has for 25 years been actively engaged in academic consultant and executive education with a broad range of organisations – IMF, Microsoft, Google, PA Consulting, Huawei, Orange, Vodafone, Intel, GEMS, to name just a few (for full CV, see here).
Streatham Court 0.28