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Social (dis)engagement and affective experiences: What can we learn by combining retrospective, forecasted, and momentary reports

Mood Disorders Centre Think Tank Seminar Series

Our guest speaker is Jennifer Lay of the University of Exeter

Event details


Accurately recalling and forecasting our own affective experiences is key to guiding our behaviour - for example, our social and solitary activities - in ways that maximize wellbeing. However, self-knowledge has its limits. This talk will examine ways in which self-knowledge (specifically, self-reported personality, trait affect, and solitude preferences) may bias individuals' memory such that their recalled and forecasted affective experiences align more with expectations than with reality. I will present findings from three experience-sampling studies examining how accurately individuals recall and predict their own affective experiences and solitude experiences, including an on-going study examining these processes in daily life during the current pandemic. This work aims to identify ways that individuals may identify and correct for inaccuracies in self-knowledge.