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Education Theory Reading Network

A platform for discussion centered around issues in education theory

Event details

We decided to read and discuss this paper about rhetoric – see abstract below:


Kris Rutten & Ronald Soetaert (2012) Revisiting the rhetorical curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44:6, 727-743, DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2012.730280

The aim of the special strand on ‘Revisiting the rhetorical curriculum’ is to explore the educational potential of a new rhetorical perspective, specifically in relation to different traditions within educational and rhetorical studies. This implies that we do not only look at education in rhetoric, but that we position education also as a rhetorical practice. In this introductory article, we introduce a broad perspective on rhetoric by exploring concepts from new rhetoric to set the scene for this special strand. We elaborate briefly on the relationship between rhetoric and education, which is reflected in the classical concept of paideia. We specifically relate the new rhetorical perspective to curricular issues and introduce the different contributions that are part of this special strand. The article ends by discussing what can be learned from (new) rhetoric about language, culture and education in a post- (or anti-) foundational world.


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