Mandatory Training

There are four online courses which are mandatory for all staff and mandatory for all Postgraduate Researchers:

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (refresh every 2 years)
  • Health and Safety (refresh every 2 years)
  • Research Integrity (refresh every 2 years)
  • Information Governance and Security (refresh annually)

These four courses should be completed as part of your induction. When you have completed each of these courses you can update your training needs analysis form and upload the updated form to MyPGR. Your supervisors will check completion of the mandatory training courses with you when you review your Training Needs Analysis together.

Mandatory training is accessed through LearnUpon (opens in a new window). 

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions to resolve any issues you may be having with your mandatory training.  But if you require any further advice, please contact us at

Role-specific mandatory training

Please note that for some research you may require specialised training (e.g. lab induction or laser safety); please discuss this with your supervisor.