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Exeter Global Authoritarianism Network

Global authoritarian word cloud

The Exeter Global Authoritarianism Network is a challenge-led network of researchers who study authoritarianism from a wide range of disciplinary, regional, and methodological standpoints.

While authoritarianism has existed in various forms throughout human history, we are now in the midst of a global democratic recession, in which levels of democracy worldwide are decreasing and new forms of authoritarianism are emerging, consolidating and spreading.

Our network facilitates cross-campus, cross-disciplinary thinking on the ways in which global authoritarianism interacts with transnational policy challenges including climate breakdown, digital governance, the global financial system, geopolitical trends, and responses to international crises.  The network activities include: support for our early career researchers, interdisciplinary research exchanges, visiting speakers, and much more! It seeks to position Exeter as a national and international hub for cutting edge research on the drivers, iterations and effects of global authoritarianism.

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