Mandatory Training for staff, associates and casual workers

People working for the University of Exeter are required to undertake mandatory training to ensure that we not only comply with regulations and the law but also ensure that your knowledge, skills and understanding of these important areas are kept up to date, enabling you to work safely, effectively and confidently.

  • all new staff, associates and casual workers must undertake the "All staff" training identified below.
  • all existing open-ended and fixed-term contracted staff must ensure they are up to date with the "All staff" training identified below and will be reminded if they need to complete one or more of these courses.
  • Associates and casual workers who started prior to 1st September 2019 are not included in the current system but may be asked to undertake one or more of the "All staff" training courses by their "requester" or person responsible for their training.

More information can be found within the Mandatory Training Policy

Mandatory training is delivered either through LearnUpon, our e-learning system, or face-to-face by a trainer.

The tabs below show mandatory training that is currently required for ‘All Staff’ (which includes associates and casual workers) and for sub categories. Individuals and managers should consult the information below and ensure that all mandatory training has been completed in line with individual role/post requirements.  In addition, new staff should also attend the online Welcome to the University (Virtual Event).

If you are having any problems or have any queries please go to our comprehensive FAQs.


All staff

The "All Staff" category includes casual workers and associates (paid and unpaid).

The following training must be completed on the first day of work at the University, the four courses below will be automatically loaded onto staff LearnUpon dashboards. Staff will then be re-enrolled 28 days prior to becoming non-compliant, as per the renewal periods listed below. For more information see the FAQs


Course title

Timeframe by which the training should be completed Refresh/Renew Periods Sponsor Department and Additional Notes
Prevent Duty - Inclusive, Cohesive and Safe Universities Day 1 at the University Every 3 years

Compliance, Governance and Risk

Prevent - University webpages

Diversity in the Workplace

Day 1 at the University Every 2 years

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

N.B. this course will show as Equality & Diversity on the MI Hub reports.

Health and Safety Introduction Day 1 at the University Every 2 years Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Information Governance and Security Day 1 at the University Yearly

Compliance, Governance and Risk

Information Governance – University webpages

Professional Services

Not all of the following will be mandatory for all staff. Managers must assess roles and assign relevant training as required. Managers must also check the All Staff and Specialist Roles tabs. For a majority of the online courses below staff will need to self-enrol once logged into their LearnUpon account. 

Course title

Mandated for the staff listed below

Additionally advised for the staff listed below

Timeframe by which the training should be completed Sponsor Department and Additional Notes
Corporate Conscience

All staff Grade G / Senior Lecturers and above.


Self-enrol via your LearnUpon dashboard

All staff approving financial decisions or procuring goods and services Within 3 months of starting at the University


Compliance, Governance and Risk



Prevention of bribery and other improper conduct – University web pages


Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Carriage of Dangerous Goods This is a mandatory course for anyone who packages and transports dangerous goods as defined in the regulations      

Contact the Health & Safety team

CoSHH for Laboratory Users This course is for staff who are required to complete and manage CoSHH risk assessments and/or are involved in the CoSHH risk assessment process within their College or Service As advised by the Health & Safety team   Contact the Health & Safety team
CoSHH for Non Laboratory Users This course is designed to provide guidance and awareness of chemistry safety (or COSHH) issues for operatives who routinely use a small number of chemicals and may enter laboratory type areas in the course of other work) Estates and security operatives who may enter laboratory spaces during the course of their work, for example, an electrician fixing a light fitting within a teaching laboratory   Contact the Health & Safety team
PDR Training for Reviewers (Professional Services) All reviewers of Professional Services staff Prior to conducting PDRs    

People Development

Prevent Duty – Policy and Procedures on Freedom of Speech Selected staff who have been contacted - this course requires staff to self-enrol.  Any member of staff who may request, book or administrate the booking of external speakers     Compliance, Governance and Risk

Prevent Duty – Support for Individuals

Selected staff who have been contacted - this course requires staff to self-enrol. Any member of staff with welfare responsibilities for students, or who may be contacted by any other individual who has a concern with regard to the welfare of a student      

Compliance, Governance and Risk

Recruitment and Selection Any member of staff who sits on a recruitment panel. This course should be completed by anyone involved in shortlisting candidates and/ or interviewing candidates during a recruitment process Prior to taking part in any recruitment process  

Human Resources - Recruitment


Not all of the following will be mandatory for all academic and research staff, managers must assess roles and assign relevant training as required.  Managers must also check the All Staff and Specialist Roles tabs. For a majority of the online courses below staff will need to self-enrol once logged into their LearnUpon account. 

Details of additional (non-mandatory) training, available to academic and research staff, can be found on the Exeter Academic pages.


Course title

Mandated for the staff listed below

Additionally advised for the staff listed below Timeframe by which the training should be completed Sponsor Department and Additional Notes

Corporate Conscience 

All staff Grade G / Senior Lecturers and above.


Self-enrol via your LearnUpon dashboard

All staff approving financial decisions or procuring goods and services

Within 3 months of starting at the University

Compliance, Governance and Risk


Prevention of bribery and other improper conduct – University web pages


Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Prevent Duty – Policy and Procedures on Freedom of Speech Selected staff who have been contacted - this course requires staff to self-enrol.  Any member of staff who may request, book or administrate the booking of external speakers    

Compliance, Governance and Risk

Prevent Duty – Support for Individuals

Selected staff who have been contacted - this course requires staff to self-enrol. Any member of staff with welfare responsibilities for students, or who may be contacted by any other individual who has a concern with regard to the welfare of a student      Compliance, Governance and Risk


Recruitment and Selection

Any member of staff who sits on a recruitment panel.

    Human Resources - Recruitment
Research Integrity All academic staff involved in research Technical Services and other staff involved in or directly supporting research   Research Ethics and Governance
Carriage of Dangerous Goods Anyone who packages and transports dangerous goods as defined in the regulations      Contact the Health & Safety team
CoSHH for Laboratory Users This course is for staff who are required to complete and manage CoSHH risk assessments and/or are involved in the CoSHH risk assessment process within their College or Service. As advised by the Health & Safety team   Contact the Health & Safety team
CoSHH for Non Laboratory Users This course is designed to provide guidance and awareness of chemistry safety (or COSHH) issues for operatives who routinely use a small number of chemicals and may enter laboratory type areas in the course of other work) Estates and security operatives who may enter laboratory spaces during the course of their work, for example, an electrician fixing a light fitting within a teaching laboratory   Contact the Health & Safety team

EduExe Framework | Learning Experiences and Innovation | University of Exeter

All academic staff on E&R and E&S contracts through Academic Professional  (see Academic Professional entry below) Academics and professional services colleagues who teach and/or support students learning    

Educator Development

Lecturers (E&R) on the Professional Development Programme (PDP) must gain HEA Fellowship through the Academic Professional  programme specifically as part of their probation
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) All postgraduates who intend to teach, are contracted to teach and/or assess students. Associate Lecturers, researchers, and professional services colleagues who are new to teaching and/or new to teaching at Exeter    

Educator Development

Successful completion of the LTHE assessment leads to HEA/ASPIRE Associate Fellowship
PDR Reviewer Training for Academic Colleagues Academic Leads   Prior to conducting PDRs People Development
PDR Training for Reviewers of Research Staff All reviewers of Research Job Family staff   Prior to conducting PDRs People Development


Academic Professional Programme

New Lecturers (E&R) on the Professional Development Programme (PDP) and New Lecturers (E&S) 

Other staff for whom Academic Practice (teaching and/or research) is a key part of their role


Graduate School of Education   

Successful completion of Academic Professional leads to:

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP)

HEA/ASPIRE Fellowship

Certificate from the Institute of Apprenticeships (for those on the Standard Pathway) 

PGR Pastoral Tutoring All PGR pastoral tutors Any staff member who supports or contributes to the pastoral care of PGR students Prior to engaging in PGR pastoral tutoring duties, if possible, or within the first term of being a PGR pastoral tutor  

Educator Development

PGR pastoral tutors are encouraged to take this workshop alongside the Supporting Students / HWSS workshops (face-to-face or online)
Human Tissue Act (HTA) Training

Any staff removing, storing or using any human tissue for research or teaching

Technical Services and other staff involved in or directly supporting research

  HTA Team

Specialist Roles

Course title Mandated for the staff listed below Additionally advised for the staff listed below Timeframe by which the training should be completed Sponsor department and additional notes
ADR Awareness

All those who ship packages of dangerous goods via road, sea and rail

  Before packaging any goods Contact the Health & Safety team
Chemical Deliveries

Stores operatives who are receiving chemicals into their stores for redistribution

Porters, reception and workshop staff in buildings without dedicated stores may also be eligible Within 3 months of starting at the University Contact the Health & Safety team
Environment and Climate Emergency Induction Selected staff who have been contacted - this course requires staff to self-enrol All staff   Sustainability
Health and Safety: Fire Marshal & Evacuation Officer  

Employees of University of Exeter. Employees of third parties where co-ordinated emergency plans are in place.

  Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Health and Safety: Person in Charge (Fire Safety) (PiC) and Deputy Person in Charge (Fire Safety) (PiC) Employees of the University of Exeter who have been appointed by their line managers to carry out the role of PiC or Deputy PiC.


  Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Hydrofluoric Acid Awareness Training All First Aiders who are required to potentially deal with a HF contaminated casualty Also suitable for anyone working with HF or within the vicinity of HF   Contact the Health & Safety team
Ladder Training Selected Campus Services staff who have been contacted Any other University staff member who uses ladders and steps at work   Contact the Health & Safety team
Laser Safety Awareness Those who will work with lasers in class 3R, 3B or 4 Those that will work or be located close to lasers may also benefit from attending   Contact the Health & Safety team
Principles of ionising radiation protection Those who will work with sources of ionising radiation Those that will work or be located close to ionising radiation sources may also benefit from attending   Contact the Health & Safety team
SharePoint Site Owners SharePoint site owners   Before requesting a SharePoint site and then on a yearly basis Exeter IT
Radiation Protection Supervisor Training Those staff appointed Radiation Protection Supervisors.     Contact the Health, Safety and Radiation Protection Officer
Radiation Protection Supervisor Refresher Training Anyone in the role of RPS whose last training was 3 years or more ago     Contact the Health, Safety and Radiation Protection Officer


The training listed below is relevant to certain roles within Campus Infrastructure and Operational Support Services (CIOSS). Managers must also check the All Staff and Professional Services sections of this table for additional mandatory training.

Course title To be completed by all FICS staff Additional advised for the staff listed below Timeframe by which the training should be completed Sponsonr department and additional notes

Environment and Climate Emergency Induction


All FICS staff   As part of the induction procedure for new staff Sustainability
ADR Awareness  All those who ship packages of dangerous goods via road, sea and rail    Before packaging any goods Contact the Health & Safety team
BICSc: Housekeeping & Facilities Management Cleaning All staff carrying out cleaning duties in Campus Services     BICSc
BICSc: Refresher Course All staff carrying out cleaning duties in Campus Services whose training has expired     BICSc
Food Safety in Catering Level 2 All catering staff     Campus Services
Food Safety in Catering Level 3 (Supervising) All catering staff with a supervisory role     Campus Services
Pollution Prevention and Emergency Response Mandatory for Grounds, Direct and Indirect Works staff - line managers to identify requirement     Sustainability
Abrasive Wheels Selected Campus Services staff who have been contacted     CRC
Asbestos Awareness Property Services and Estate Services staff who may work with or come into contact with Asbestos containing materials during their normal work activities Technical Services staff who may come into contact with asbestos   CRC
Tail Lift Operator Porter Staff   No use of equipment is permitted until training has been completed CRC
Ladder Training Selected Campus Services staff who have been contacted Any other University staff member who uses ladders and steps at work

Please note that this training must be renewed every 3 years

Contact the Health and Safety team
Suicide Intervention Campus Security Staff     Campus Security

FAQs and Enquiries

If you are having problems or have any queries please first go to our comprehensive  FAQs. If you cannot find the answer to your question please use the SID Online system choosing the relevant catagory. Log in and start a “New Enquiry”, choosing ether "Mandatory Training General","Mandatory Training Dispensation" or "Mandatory Training Course Content Feedback" from the “Category” drop down list.  

LearnUpon - online learning

Most of our mandatory training is completed online and is available 24 hours a day 7-days a week. Courses that are mandatory for all staff and casual workers are automatically loaded on to your LearnUpon dashboard. Visit the LearnUpon log on page to access your account using your SSO.

Go to online training

Face to Face

For face-to-face courses people can follow the links in the table below, search for courses through our A-Z, or enrol via trent self-service. Staff and casual workers must confirm with their managers which face-to-face courses are relevant for their role.

Monitoring via the MI Hub

Online mandatory training is only reported through the MI Hub (Trent records are not updated). Managers and individuals can monitor their team or individual mandatory training compliance via the MI Hub. Further details about this can be found on the HR page of the MI Hub using the My Team report (only certain staff members have access to the full mandatory training report).

Exemptions and Additional time to complete courses

To apply for an exemption or additional time to complete one or more courses please visit our  FAQ section on Exemptions and Additional Time.