Online Services


Choral Eucharist

Every Sunday during term time
5.00pm - 6.00pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus
Also live-streamed (and available to view later) on the Chapel Choir's facebook page

This is a traditional Anglican service with a sermon, readings, communion, hymns, and anthems sung by the Chapel Choir.

The service is followed by refreshments, served in the Old Library just opposite the chapel.


Choral Evensong

Every Wednesday during term time
5.00pm - 5.45pm
Mary Harris Memorial Chapel, Streatham Campus

A traditional Anglican service of music and readings, accompanied by the Chapel Choir.

This service is usually live-streamed (and available to view later) on the Chapel Choir's YouTube Channel (link opens in new window).


Celtic Prayer on Zoom

Every Friday during term time
12.30pm – 1.00pm
Zoom (contact us for the code)

Student-led but not just for students – everyone very welcome. Normally led by Ellen.