Local Baptist churches
Local Baptist churches
South Street Baptist Church
The University's Baptist Chaplain, the Rev'd Simon Taylor, is one of the minsters at South Street Baptist Church. The church meets every Sunday morning at 11am, to worship God and learn more about following Jesus today.
South Street Baptist Church offers a warm welcome to students and staff, irrespective of their faith or background. Together we aim to learn more about the God who is revealed to us in Jesus and discover the life God calls us to share. You are welcome to come along whether you are sure of your faith or whether you are simply full of questions.
The church also runs Dove Church, an informal service based around a meal (ask Simon for details).
The church has offered Christian witness, worship and care in Exeter city centre for more than three centuries. It seeks to be a welcoming and inclusive church with thoughtful worship which draws on the riches of different Christian traditions. In our preaching we seek to understand the relevance of the way of Christ to life today. Since 1979, it has also run the Palace Gate Centre, a community centre set up by the church in partnership with others to serve the needs of the city.
Our main service is at 11 am on a Sunday morning and is always followed by tea and coffee. We welcome students to simply come along or to become involved in the life of the church. Students have written for our church magazine, shared in leading worship and even interpreted the sermon when we had a preacher from the church we are linked with in Germany.
At South Street you can become part of a caring church family and get to know some Exeter folk. To learn more about South Street and see a diary of our activities, including events for students, please visit:
On the church website or university chaplaincy website (http://www.exeter.ac.uk/chaplaincy/christian/baptist/) you can find details of how to get to the church, which is located just a few minutes’ walk from the High Street.
Please note the entrance to the church is in South Street opposite Market Street
There are other Baptist churches in the city too, which Simon can tell you about or put you in contact with.
Other Baptist Churches in Exeter
In addition to South Street Baptist Church, there are three other Baptist churches in the city at which students will be warmly welcomed. The Baptist Chaplain can tell you more about them and put you in touch with them.
Pinhoe Road Baptist Church
Located on Pinhoe Road in the eastern part of the city. Sunday Services are at 10.30 am.
Website – www.prbc.org.uk
Further details - 01392 218448
St Thomas Baptist Church
Located on Dorset Avenue in the western part of the city. Sunday Services are at 10.30 am and 6pm.
Website – www.stbc.org.uk
Further details – pastor@stbc.org.uk
Exwick Community Church
Located in Exwick in the north western part of the city. The fellowship meets in Exwick Parish Hall, Station Road, next to St Andrews Church.
Sunday Services are at 10.30 am.
Website – www.exwickcommunitychurch.org.uk
Further details – admin@exwickcommunitychurch.org.uk