Find out about the Education Welfare team (Cornwall).

UKCISA provide the most up to date information on healthcare and a detailed description of how the UK National Health Service works.


Most healthcare in the UK is provided by the National Health Service (NHS). This service provides emergency, routine and occasional medical treatment to people within the UK. All medical treatment within the UK will be treated in the strictest medical confidence and will not be told to anyone without your consent.

In an emergency, telephone 999 for free from any UK telephone or mobile, and ask for the ambulance service. If you are unsure, call 111 and they will be able to advise you.

You can see our handy 'Accessing Healthcare and the NHS' presentation.

Hospital treatment

The hospital providing treatment is responsible for establishing whether international students are entitled to free hospital treatment. Read the section below ‘Eligibility to access medical treatment in the UK’.

If you’re unsure, come and speak to us before receiving any treatment.

You can get medical help from pharmacies, a general practitioner (GP), specialist doctors, phoning 111 and Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments. The service you should choose may differ from how healthcare is in your home country.  

Pharmacies: If you’re not facing an emergency, it’s likely that your first point of contact should be your local pharmacy. You can go anytime they are open and it can be a quick way to get initial medical advice. Depending on the nature of your situation, the pharmacist may be able to offer treatment, or they will recommend where you should go for appropriate medical treatment.  

Doctors: The next point of contact for medical treatment in the UK is through a General Practitioner (GP) or health centre. Most illnesses and other problems can be treated by the GP, but if a specialist is needed then the GP will refer you to an appropriate hospital department. GP appointments are free, but there is likely to be a charge for any medication you need.

Emergencies: For urgent medical attention, you can call 999 or go straight to your nearest Accident & Emergency (A&E) department. A&E departments are open 24 hours a day in some hospitals to provide emergency medical assistance to anyone within the UK.

  • All Covid-19 related testing, treatment and vaccine is free.

  • All primary healthcare access is free. This includes GP visits and walk-in clinic access. 

  • All emergency treatment in a hospital Accident & Emergency (A&E) department, regardless of immigration status, is free. This includes emergency treatment for serious illness or injury, but does not include emergency services provided after being admitted as an inpatient, or follow-up outpatient appointments (unless covered by one of the below).

  • Students on a short course of three to six months can register with a GP surgery to receive primary care services. If, however, you need a referral to a hospital specialist then you will be charged for this appointment and any subsequent treatment by the hospital.

  • Students with a Student visa will have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) as part of their visa application. This entitles you to access the NHS with most services free to access, although some carry charges such as prescriptions and dentistry.

  • EU/EEA/Swiss students are exempt from being charged for secondary treatment if one of the following applies:
    1. you have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) as part of your Student visa application or
    2. you have a valid EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or
    3. you have status under the EU Settlement Scheme and are 'ordinarily resident in the UK'.  In practice, this means you have made the UK your home and are living here for reasons other than study.
  • EU/EEA/Swiss students can request a refund on the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) but must not work while they are in the UK.

  • British nationals who have been living overseas should consider private medical insurance unless you can demonstrate that you are 'ordinarily resident in the UK'.  That is that you are in the UK more permanently than for study purposes.

  • If your healthcare needs are not covered in the above list, you may still be exempt from some changes if your country has a reciprocal arrangement in place for example you have a Norwegian passport.

We recommend all other students have adequate medical insurance to cover specialist appointments whilst in the UK. For more details please see NHS guidance and UKCISA.

If the doctor accepts you as a patient you will be sent a medical card through the post with your NHS number. However, being registered with a GP (doctor), and having an NHS number does not give you automatic entitlement to free hospital treatment. The hospital providing treatment is responsible for establishing whether international students are entitled to free hospital treatment.

Register with a GP surgery or Health Centre as soon as move to the University of Exeter, don't wait until you are unwell! Registration is free and easy online.

To register you will need:

  • a UK phone number
  • your address in the UK including your room and block number if you are in University accommodation
  • your full address in your home country. Don't leave this section blank! Missing this requirement will cause delay to your registration.
  • details of any medical conditions, treatments and medication you have had in the past or now.

You don't need to provide proof of address or immigration status.

Family members living with you in the UK will need to complete a separate registration form.

Once your registration is complete, you will be given an NHS number .

Exeter-based (Streatham) students: The Student Health Centre (part of Thomas Medical Group) is located in Reed Mews on the Streatham campus. Register online by selecting 'as a Student'. You can click on the flag at the top of the page to change to your language if it's available.  

Exeter-based (St Luke's) students: The Heavitree Practice is located on South Lawn Terrace, near the St Luke's campus. Complete a paper registration form at the surgery.

If your address postcode doesn't allow you to register at either of the above locations, use the Find a GP link to find your nearest GP surgery and register with them.

Cornwall-based studentsThe Penryn Surgery is available in the Tremough House Annexe, Penryn Campus, Monday-Friday during term time. Once you know your address you can register with the Penryn Surgery online or during ‘Move-in’ weekend. If you have any questions the Compass Helpdesk (in the Library in the Exchange Building) will be able to help.

If you will be living in Falmouth, Truro or the surrounding areas, The Compass team will have details about other local doctor surgeries as well.

All students under 25 years of age starting at the University of Exeter are advised to have the Meningitis ACWY vaccination. If you haven't had this already in your home country, and if you have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge, you can receive the vaccine for free.

If you're over 25 years old, there may be a small cost for the vaccine. Check with your Health Centre or Practice directly.

Streatham campus

Register with the Student Health Centre before you arrive in Exeter. The Health Centre will be holding vaccination clinics in during Freshers' Week (time and days to be confirmed). No need to make an appointment, just drop in. Outside these vaccination clinics, make an appointment directly with the Student Health Centre.

St Luke's campus

Register and contact the Heavitree Practice directly to book an appointment.

Cornwall campus

Registered with the Penryn Surgery (email to request a registration form), you can then book an appointment with the Penryn Surgery

If you are currently taking medicines please make sure you bring adequate medication to cover the first few weeks at University. Take your medicines or the empty containers to the Health Centre when you have your first doctor’s appointment. Be aware that not all medicines you have access to at home may be available within the UK.

If you have had a serious illness, if you are currently undergoing medical treatment or hospital investigation, or if you are currently taking medication, then a brief doctor’s letter in English, summarizing your medical history, will help the Health Centre to provide you with uninterrupted health care. Please do not send this in advance of your arrival but bring it with you when you register at the Health Centre.