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International students


Why did you decide that Exeter was the best place to study?

There were two main things that attracted me to the university: firstly, the broad array of choices for optional modules in the third year. Here at Exeter, you’re encouraged to walk into every compulsory module with an open mind and simply a willingness to learn, and you might find yourself falling in love with an area of Law you never thought you’d enjoy. This is why a broad range of choices in optional modules for the third year is essential. Exeter does its best to encourage a variety of areas, approaches and jurisdictions of law for students to have a taster of, so that they graduate with a broader mindset and a more varied skillset than their counterparts in other, more specialised universities.

Secondly, I was extremely attracted to its unique teaching system. The learning for Law is split into cycles – chapters within the larger module – and these cycles consist of a lecture, a syndicate session, a seminar session and a surgery session. The lecture would outline basic knowledge, the syndicate session is where you and your syndicate solidify your understanding through further readings, the seminar being where you test your learning with a member of staff, and the surgery session being your saving grace if you really cannot grasp a concept within that cycle. Each cycle lasts roughly three to four weeks, so you are never rushed through the process and you find yourself able to learn, understand, absorb and appreciate the material given in each of the cycles.

What do you like most about the course?

The syndicate system helped make university not seem so daunting. My syndicate members ended up being my closest friends even as I go into my final year, and it’s comforting to experience university life and transition into it with other people of the same interests and in the same boat. You make friends you know you can always rely on – whether academically or personally – and it helps to make university seem less intimidating. The syndicate system means you’re never really alone in the subject, and the importance of that should never be underestimated. 

What are the best aspects of studying within your department?  

The College of Social Science and International Studies has been really supportive throughout my years of study as their members of staff are always ready to help beyond academia. My personal tutor and the college has always ensured that I keep mentally and physically healthy by regularly checking up on me through emailing me and helping me schedule in the necessary meetings that I need.

What do you like most about the campus and how would you describe its vibe?

There are a lot of positives to the University campus, but its beauty definitely wins for me. The Streatham Campus is famous for its stunning landscapes all year round, even in winter, when the skies are grey and especially towards the summer, when the blue skies and sunshine really brings out all the scenery. 

The vibe is the perfect balance between relaxed and productive. There is no pressure to act, look or dress a certain way, and anywhere you sit – bar the library and actual lecture rooms – can be a place for both studying and socialising. The abundance of coffee outlets on campus contributes largely to the relaxed yet productive vibe of the campus, and there is never an expectation for you to study exclusively in the library and then move to other parts of the campus for socialising with friends as the coffee outlets serve both purposes brilliantly.

How have you found your time at the University to date?

The University has been the right choice for me, undoubtedly. Its healthy mix of focused study and welcoming social environments, as well as the support that the staff are willing to provide makes the process of going, surviving and thriving in university not only achievable, but relatively easy to accomplish. Going to university could very easily turn into a daunting process without the right kind of support and environment, and I have been fortunate enough to find comfort in both here.

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