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International students


Why did you chose to go to Exeter and how did being awarded the Global Excellence scholarship make you feel?

I was introduced to the University of Exeter by a friend who spoke highly of its Islamic and Arabic research departments. I eventually applied for a Master’s in Psychology knowing that I wouldn't be able to afford it. But I was just hopeful. Maybe luck would work. I was not aware at all of the Global Excellence scholarship until I was offered the program. I applied for the scholarship, and being awarded this scholarship was one of the best days of my life. Global Excellence made it possible to not only study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world but without any fear of debt.

Tell us about your experiences in Exeter – living in the city, joining societies, your favorite part of your studies

Exeter city is one of Earth's most peaceful, green, friendly, and safe places. The city’s beauty is its small size which helps you focus on building communities and groups instead of just exploring the city. I miss Exeter a lot.

How have your studies at Exeter helped you on your career journey?

My Exeter degree helped me get this amazing job at the City University of New York. I work with John Jay College’s research department, continuously interacting with faculties about their research applications, funds, and proposals. Without academic knowledge, it would have been difficult for me to correspond and understand research. Exeter University taught me how to think critically. The best thing I got from Exeter University is confidence. I feel proud when I say that I studied at Exeter University. It has made me powerful.

I am also working as a project assistant for Project Alethia. In this project we interact with high government officials, like the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, and academics to understand the psychology of interrogation and deception. Exeter University’s psychology program helped me understand the psychology of intergroup relations, the psychology of interrogation, and so much more.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans are to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology from NYC, either from NYU or Columbia University. I also plan to work with the United Nations.

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