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HASS Faculty Modules 2024/5

Stage One Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
HAS1001 Enter the Matrix: Digital Perspectives on the Humanities152View on ELE (current students only)
HAS1905 Employment Experience HASS1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
HUM1005 Climate Emergency - An Introduction to Environmental Humanities153View on ELE (current students only)
HUM1006 Introduction to Black British Studies152View on ELE (current students only)
SSI1002 Programming for the Social Sciences301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SSI1005 Introduction to Social Data151View on ELE (current students only)
SSI1006 Data Analysis in Social Science 1152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Two Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
HAS2905 Employment Experience HASS1, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
HUM2000 Humanities in the Workplace301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
HUM2001 Humanities in the Workplace151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
HUM2005 Tales of Freedom, Necessity and Providence 151View on ELE (current students only)
SSI2004 Research Design in the Social Sciences152View on ELE (current students only)
SSI2005 Data Analysis in Social Science 2151View on ELE (current students only)
SSI2007 Data Analysis in Social Science 3152View on ELE (current students only)
SSI2008 Mapping the Social World: Introduction to Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Three Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
HAS3006 The Legend of King Arthur301View on ELE (current students only)
HAS3007 Dead Important: Policy from the Past302View on ELE (current students only)
HAS3008 Dead Important: Policy from the Past152View on ELE (current students only)
HAS3009 The Book in Medieval and Early Modern Europe301View on ELE (current students only)
HAS3999 Study Abroad (HASS)1201, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3002 Aliens Abroad: Science Fiction in Global Literature152View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3003A Hacking the Humanities: How to Plan and Run Successful Digital Projects151View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3004 Transforming the Tablet: Digital Approaches to Ancient Text and Artefact152View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3015 The Place of Meaning: Gardens in Britain and China151View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3997 Employment Experience Abroad1201View on ELE (current students only)
HUM3998 Employment Experience UK1201 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SSI3001 Introduction to Social Network Analysis152View on ELE (current students only)
SSI3003 Data Analysis in Social Science 3152View on ELE (current students only)
SSI3019 Quantitative Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SSI3020 Employment Experience (UK and Abroad)1201, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SSI3021 Mapping the Social World: Introduction to Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences152View on ELE (current students only)

Masters Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
HASM004 Let's Get Medieval151View on ELE (current students only)
HASM005 The Legend of King Arthur151View on ELE (current students only)
HASM006 The Legend of King Arthur301View on ELE (current students only)
HASM007 Supervised Medieval Study151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
HASM011 Historical Masterclass302View on ELE (current students only)
HASM012 An Introduction to Early Modern English Palaeography151View on ELE (current students only)
HASM013 Mental Health in Social and Historical Context302View on ELE (current students only)
HASM014 Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural152View on ELE (current students only)
HASM015 Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural302View on ELE (current students only)
HASM018 Working with Medieval Manuscripts and Documents302View on ELE (current students only)
HUMM017 Dissertation602 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM903 Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Design152View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM907 Policy Analytics: Dissertation or Research Consultancy Project601 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM908 Directed Practical Study: Agriculture and Food301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM909 Dissertation in Food Studies603View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM912 Introduction to Social Network Analysis152View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM913 Longitudinal Data Analysis152View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM915 Statistical Modelling151View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM916 Machine learning for social data science152View on ELE (current students only)
SSIM918 Data Visualisation152View on ELE (current students only)