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INTO Modules 2024/5

Foundation Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
INT0052 Foundation Academic English301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT0053 Current Global Issues301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT0064 Economics & Finance301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0065 Mathematics and Statistics301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0066 Media, Film, and Literature301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0067 Physics, Engineering and Applied Mathematics 301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0070 Social and Environmental Sciences 301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0071 Introduction to World Politics and International Relations301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0072 Fundamental of Management and Marketing301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0073 Fast Track Foundation Academic English Skills302 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT0074 Biology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0075 Psychology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0076 Current Global Issues (Fast Track)301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT0201 Academic English for Biosciences301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0203 English Language Skills for Undergraduate Studies301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT0205 Academic English for Psychology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT0206 English Academic Skills for Business301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)

Stage One Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ELC1801 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Level 1)151View on ELE (current students only)
INT1003 Introduction to Statistics151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT1008 Introduction to Financial Accounting151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT1009 Introduction to Management Accounting152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT1011 Accounting for Management and Economics (AME)151View on ELE (current students only)
INT1012 Fundamentals of Marketing152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT1013 Principles of Economics (Microeconomics)151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT1014 Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)152View on ELE (current students only)
INT1015 Discovering Management151View on ELE (current students only)
INT1201 Mathematical Structures301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT1202 Mathematical Methods301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT1204 Economics 1151View on ELE (current students only)
INT1205 Economics 2152View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Two Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ELC2727 Academic Listening and Speaking151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ELC2728 Academic Reading and Writing151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ELC2730 Professional English 151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ELC2731 World Englishes151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ELC2800 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Level 2)301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT2001 Graduate Academic English301, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Three Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ELC3800 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Level 3)301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT3614 Financial Accounting and Reports152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3615 Entrepreneurship152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3617 Global Issues151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3618 Applied Research Skills151View on ELE (current students only)
INT3619 Business in Society151 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT3621 Financial Management152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3622 Management Concepts152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3623 Research Project152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3624 Fundamentals of Investments152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3625 Introduction to Data Science and Programming 152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3626 Introduction to Quantitative Methods152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3627 Education Studies152 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT3628 Graduate Academic English152View on ELE (current students only)
INT3629 Fundamental of International Business153View on ELE (current students only)

Zero Credit Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
INT9001 Academic English for School of Education1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9002 Academic English for LLM1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9003 Academic English for Postgraduates in English and Film1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9005 Academic English for Postgraduates in History1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9006 Academic English for Postgraduates in Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies1, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
INT9007 Academic English for International Film Business1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9008 Academic English for Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9009 Academic Writing for Psychologists1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9010 Professional English for Medicine and Healthcare1 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
INT9011 Academic Writing for Sports and Health Science1View on ELE (current students only)
INT9012 Academic English for Postgraduates in Creativity and Theatre Practice1, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)