We have considerable expertise in developing policy and supporting the development of best practices across a range of fields which impact on our region and have one of the largest, and strongest, public policy groups in the UK. Our academics provide insight, expertise and evidence to the problems and challenges facing us here in the South West.

We work closely with a host of public sector agencies in the region including: the Devon and Cornwall Police, the Probation Service, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), local authorities, sports organisations and environmental organisations, to support policy and practice.
We provide economic analysis and expert advice to our partners to support regional economic regeneration, working closely with LEPs, local authorities and business organisations.
Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI)
Working with enterprises in Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and beyond the ESI translates research and expertise into innovative business practices, products and services. Whilst much of the ESI’s research and activities are national or international in scope, they ensure that Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are at the heart of their endeavors.
Exeter City Futures
The University of Exeter is a partner in Exeter City Futures’ (CIC) which seeks to create a carbon-neutral Exeter that remains a great place to live for future generations. We are working to achieve this through our mission: to bring Exeter’s businesses, individuals, communities and leaders together and provide the coordination and focus needed to deliver the city’s carbon ambitions.
European Centre for Environment and Human Health
The ECEHH produces research that contributes to the economy of the South West and impacts policy at regional, national and international level.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South West Peninsula (PenARC) undertakes high-quality applied health research focused on the needs of patients and supports the translation of research evidence into practice in the NHS.
Marchmont Employment and Skills Observatory
We are a leading Labour Market Intelligence provider in South West England giving added value to standard statistical analyses with:
- Survey and data gathering and analysis
- Insightful interpretation for strategy formation
- Making the data work for a range of audiences
- Project and programme Evaluation
Devon Housing Commission
The University of Exeter is part of the Devon Housing Commission: set up by Devon's 11 Local Authorities to address the broken local housing markets across Devon.
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