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Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Funding and awards

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is a research intensive Faculty. Staff and postgraduate students conduct internationally recognised research across all disciplines. We encourage a vibrant, collaborative and interdisciplinary research culture based around strategic areas of expertise. We have an excellent record of winning external funding, and our centres, institutes and groups provide structure and support, promoting collaboration and impact.

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Faculty of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences invites expressions of interest from post-doctoral researchers considering making an application for the 2024/25 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme.

About the fellowships

The aim of the British Academy in making these awards is to offer opportunities for outstanding early career researchers to strengthen their experience of research and teaching in a university environment which will develop their curriculum vitae and improve their prospects of obtaining permanent lecturing posts by the end of the Fellowship. The primary emphasis is on completion of a significant piece of publishable research, which will be assisted by full membership of an academic community of established scholars working in similar fields.

The fellowship attracts a salary at Grade F (£41,732)

Eligibility requirements

  1. Applicants must be supported by the UK host institution in which they wish to hold the Fellowship.
  2. Applicants must be within three years of their successful viva voce examination. Exemption from this criterion may be granted for reasons occurring after the date of the viva voce examination such as: maternity leave, illness, family commitments etc but must be confirmed with the BA prior to application.
  3. Applicants must be a British or EEA national, or have completed a doctorate at a UK university. Any applicant who does not fall into one of these categories must demonstrate a strong prior association with the UK academic community, for example through already having been employed in a temporary capacity (longer than twelve months) at a UK university.
  4. Not have held a permanent academic post in an institution of higher education at any time in their career.
  5. Resubmissions are not permitted.

The eligibility criteria listed above are based on the 2023/24 guidance. Please check the British Academy’s guidance for 2024/25 for full details once it has been released.

How to apply

This scheme is extremely competitive and the British Academy advises that success rates in recent years have rarely exceeded 10%. As a result, the Faculty of HASS at Exeter will support only the most competitive proposals. Candidates interested in applying for a fellowship based at Exeter should submit an Expression of Interest including the following:

  • Short statement on fit with the Department, including the proposed mentor
  • 150-word abstract
  • Concise outline of the proposed research programme/plan of action (maximum 800 words)
  • Summary of the intended outputs
  • CV

Expressions of Interest should be submitted to the Director of Research and Impact for the Department in which applicants propose to be based (see list and contact details below).

Deadline for submission of EOIs is 5th July 2024, applications received after this date will not be considered. Applicants will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible after this.

Departmental Directors of Research and Impact


Archaeology & History

Oliver Creighton (Archaeology)
Sarah Hamilton (History)

Classics, Ancient History, Religion & Theology

Martin Pitts (Classics & Ancient History)
Emma Loosley-Leeming (Religion and Theology)

Communications, Drama, Film

Cathy Turner

English & Creative Writing

Philip Schwyzer

HASS Cornwall

Catriona Pennell

Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies

Nahyan Fancy

Languages, Cultures & Visual Studies

Muireann Maguire

Law School

Ana Beduschi

School of Education

Neil Harrison

Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Jane Elliott

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships

We are inviting expressions of interest from post-doctoral researchers considering making an application for the 2025 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships scheme. The call opens 1 January 2025. The closing date for applications is 20 February 2025 and further information and guidance can be found on the Leverhulme Trust's website. We will be supporting a limited number of applications for the scheme and there will be an internal sift for candidate selection.

About the Fellowships

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research. The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and it is hoped that Fellowships will lead to a more permanent academic position, either within the same institution or another institution. Approximately 145 Fellowships will be available in 2025.

Eligibility requirements

  • Applicants must not yet have held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution, nor may Fellows hold such a post concurrently with the Early Career Fellowship. The Trust will consider applications from candidates whose permanent post does not include any research.
  • Applicants must hold a doctorate by the time they take up the fellowship.
  • Applications are invited from those with a doctorate who submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date. Hence those who formally submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination before 20 February 2021 are not eligible unless they have since had a career break. Please note that time spent working outside of academia does not qualify as a career break. 
  • Those currently registered for a doctorate may apply only if they have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination by the closing date of 4pm on 20 February 2025. 
  • Applicants must either hold a degree from a UK higher education institution at the time of taking up the Fellowship or at the time of the application deadline must hold an academic position in the UK (e.g. fixed-term lectureship, fellowship) which commenced no less than 4 months prior to the closing date. Hence, those who do not hold a UK degree and whose UK academic position commenced after October 2024 are not eligible. The Trust will consider candidates without a UK degree whose UK academic post commenced after October 2024 if they have been in continuous UK academic employment for more than 4 months prior to the deadline. The intention is to support the career development of those building an academic career within the UK. 
  • Successful applicants must be based in Exeter to take up the fellowship, it cannot be undertaken remotely.
  • Candidates who have held or currently hold postdoctoral positions to pursue their own independent research totalling 3 or more years are not eligible to apply.
  • A candidate may submit only one application per year. Previously unsuccessful applicants can reapply.
  • The Research Awards Advisory Committee believes that the development of an academic career is best served by gaining experience at different institutions. Applicants who have not already moved institutions in the course of their academic career (i.e. between their undergraduate university and proposed host university) should nominate a new host university, or otherwise demonstrate clear evidence of the academic and/or personal reasons for remaining at the same university, such as access to highly specialist equipment or a highly specialised research team.

*For full eligibility requirements please see the Leverhulme Trust’s website

Expressions of interest

If you would like to apply to hold a fellowship in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences you must submit an expression of interest, including:

  • covering note explaining why you wish to hold a Fellowship within the identified Department or Research Group and relevance to your proposed research. You should also name your proposed mentor, and confirm they are supportive of your proposal,
  • 100-word abstract,
  • concise outline of the proposed research programme/plan of action (maximum 800 words), 
  • summary of the intended outputs and a CV to include publications to date plus details of any grants, awards or other activities (including any previous, relevant, non-academic employment),
  • EOIs should be submitted as one document titled Leverhulme EOI_first name_last name

EOIs should be received no later than 15th November 2024.

Please submit your Expression of Interest to the Departmental Director of Research & Impact (see below for full list), copying to

Further information

For further information on pursuing a Leverhulme ECF application please contact:

Arab & Islamic Studies

Nahyan Fancy

Archaeology & History

Archaeology - Oliver Creighton

History - Jane Whittle  

Classics, Ancient History, Religion & Theology

Gabriele Galluzzo

Communications, Drama, Film

Cathy Turner

English & Creative Writing

Philip Schwyzer

HASS Penryn

Catriona Pennell

Languages, Cultures & Visual Studies

Muireann Maguire

Law School

Rebecca Probert

School of Education

Neil Harrison

Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Alex Prichard


PhD Studentships

Exeter is a centre for world-leading research across the Humanities. Our departments are consistently placed at the top of national and international rankings.

Our PhD studentships are available to support any excellent project connecting with, or across, our disciplines. Exeter’s researchers lead in a wide range of fields and debates in the Humanities.

Exeter is a portal to a rich variety of research resources offering unique archives in medieval and modern history, modern and contemporary literature and film. Dynamic partnerships with arts, culture and heritage organisations – British Museum, Historic England, London Film School, National Trust, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Tate Britain among many others – give our researchers access to a remarkable range of research collections and facilities.

Exeter offers PhD students exceptional support:

  • A teamed approach to supervision combining research expertise from across our disciplines and access to a personal research mentor
  • A dedicated Humanities Graduate School, a single point-of-contact for all programme and practical needs
  • A framework of research and career development opportunities across the University and through our network of partners
  • An exclusive study suite for Humanities postgraduates
  • A well-established postgraduate research culture including annual conferences and journal publications
  • Funding opportunities for individual research needs

Applicants may apply to any awards for which you are eligible and which fit your personal research interests. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact us.

Award Value Application deadline Description
Magnetoelectric material based miniaturized and multifunctional antennas (enhanced stipend) For eligible students the studentship will cover Home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. Sun 31st Mar 2024 The University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation (CMRI) with Dstl, is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship with enhanced stipend. For eligible students, the studentship will cover home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 (UKRI rate + £3,000) for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. There is also a budget to support your research project and training of at least £15,000
Reconfigurable tensorial impedance surfaces for modulating RF scattering and antenna function (enhanced stipend) For eligible students the studentship will cover Home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. Sun 31st Mar 2024 The University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterials Research and Innovation (CMRI) with Dstl, is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship with enhanced stipend. For eligible students, the studentship will cover home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 (UKRI rate + £3,000) for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. There is also a budget to support your research project and training of at least £15,000
Time Varying Metasurfaces: using rapidly varying components for arbitrary wave transformations (enhanced stipend) For eligible students the studentship will cover Home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. Sun 31st Mar 2024 The University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterials Research and Innovation (CMRI) with Dstl, is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship with enhanced stipend. For eligible students, the studentship will cover home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £21,622 (UKRI rate + £3,000) for 3.5 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. There is also a budget to support your research project and training of at least £15,000.
Al-Qasimi PhD Studentship in Arab and Islamic Studies, Middle East Politics, Ethno-Political Studies, Kurdish Studies or Palestine Studies UK or International tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance at current Research Council rate of £18,622 (2023/24 rate) plus additional stipend top-up to help with visa fees and health surcharge costs, where applicable. Mon 8th Apr 2024 UK or International tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance at current Research Council rate of £18,622 (2023/24 rate) plus additional stipend top-up to help with visa fees and health surcharge costs, where applicable.
The Medical Research Council Centre for Medical Mycology 1+3 MRes-PhD studentships Stipend matching UK Research Council National Minimum (£18,622 p.a. for 2023/24, updated each year) plus UK tuition fees Fri 12th Apr 2024 The studentships are funded by the Medical Research Council in partnership with the University of Exeter and include a tax-free stipend, tuition fees and research costs for the four years. Stipend matching UK Research Council National Minimum (£18622 p.a. for 2023/24, updated each year) plus UK tuition fees. Funding is available to both UK and International candidates. Students will be supported with a research budget of £9k per annum.
Global Commodities in Early Modern Wills’: A Leverhulme Trust funded PhD Studentship in the Department of Archaeology and History Home (UK) tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance at current Research Council rate of £18,622 per year (2023/24 rate) Wed 1st May 2024 Home (UK) tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance at current Research Council rate of £18,622 per year (2023/24 rate)
Sanctuary Scholarship Full tuition fee waiver plus annual living cost grant Fri 17th May 2024 The Sanctuary Scholarship scheme enables individuals seeking asylum and refugees who are not able access student finance to study at the University of Exeter.
University of Exeter Alumni Scholarship 2024/25 20% reduction in the first year tuition fee There is no application for this award. You will be automatically considered. A tuition fee discount for University of Exeter alumni who start a postgraduate degree with us in 2024/25
University of Exeter Class of 2024 Progression Scholarship 20% reduction in the first year tuition fee There is no application for this award. You will be automatically considered. A tuition fee discount for current University of Exeter students completing a degree in 2024 and progressing directly to a standalone postgraduate programme with us in 2024/25
Canadian Centennial Scholarships Fund £5,000 Deadline passed
(Fri 10th Mar 2023)
Awards for study for Canadian Students already pursuing full-time, multi-year postgraduate programmes in any field of study in the UK
University of Exeter Class of 2023 Progression Scholarship 10% reduction in the first year tuition fee There is no application for this award. You will be automatically considered. A tuition fee discount for current University of Exeter students completing a degree in 2023 and progressing directly to a standalone postgraduate programme with us in 2023/24
Fulbright Scholarships: Postgraduate Student Awards - 2024/25 competition Full tuition fee waiver for the first year of Masters / PhD study & living stipend Deadline passed
(Tue 10th Oct 2023)
Our UK Partnership award with Fulbright is available for Masters or Doctoral students who are USA or dual USA:UK citizens wishing to study at the University. The award takes the form of a tuition fee waiver for the first year of graduate study (either Masters or PhD) and a living stipend. We also accept scholars in receipt of Fulbright 'Open Awards' (also referred to as the All Disciplines Award).
University of Exeter Alumni Scholarship 2023/24 10% reduction in the first year tuition fee There is no application for this award. You will be automatically considered. A tuition fee discount for University of Exeter alumni who start a postgraduate degree with us in 2023/24
Time-varying Acoustic Metamaterials For eligible students the studentship will cover Home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £18622 for 4 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study. Deadline passed
(Wed 31st Jan 2024)
The University of Exeter’s Centre for Metamaterials Research and Innovation (CMRI) with industry partners QinetiQ, is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship. For eligible students, the studentship will cover home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £18,622 for 4 years full-time, or pro rata for part-time study.
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for high income countries) for the 2024/25 academic year See CSC website for more information Deadline passed
(Tue 27th Feb 2024)
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for candidates from high-income Commonwealth countries, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university, beginning in September 2024.
COLFUTURO Ayudar Joint Graduate Scholarship-Loan Programme - 2024 call Tuition fees and living stipend for a maximum of two years Deadline passed
(Thu 29th Feb 2024)
COLFUTURO offers scholarship-loans to provide financial support to Colombian citizens to access high-quality Masters or Doctoral programs abroad. Recipients of Colfuturo funding who have applied to study a one-year taught Masters degree at the University of Exeter will be considered for the Ayudar Scholarship which provides an annual stipend.