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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Systematic Reviews of Mixed Methods Evidence CPD Course

After a successful in-person CPD course in 2024, our next iteration is planned for January 2025! Join University of Exeter leaders with extensive experience of producing evidence-based synthesis and providing training for a range of policy customers including NICE, NHSE, DHSC, WHO, and UN's Green Climate Fund.

Dates: 22nd & 23rd January 2025

Where: Streatham Campus, University of Exeter  

Book now

A view of the Streatham campus looking up towards the Forum, piazza and Alumni Auditorium

Ariel view of Streatham campus

In addition to understanding “what works”, policy makers and practitioners often need to understand how something works, the feasibility and acceptability of an intervention, how best to implement it or whether there are unintended consequences. They may also want to understand how people value particular outcomes, or why differences in impact are seen. Qualitative evidence can often speak to these issues. Bringing together the insights from both quantitative and qualitative evidence can enhance the completeness, relevance or interpretation of the evidence base.

There are a number of ways in which quantitative and qualitative evidence can inform each other and a range of approaches and methods for mixed methods synthesis depending on the questions being asked and the data available, which will be explored in this course.

Delivery dates

22nd and 23rd January 2025

Where - In Person - Streatham Campus 


The objective of this training is to provide an overview of:

  • Approaches, tools and methodologies for mixed methods systematic reviews and syntheses.
  • When mixed methods design might be appropriate.
  • How to formulate mixed methods review questions.
  • Approaches to searching, study selection, data extraction and critical appraisal.

And to provide hands-on exercises relevant to mixed methods systematic reviews and syntheses.

Learning Outcomes

Through a mix of lectures, hands-on exercises, small group work and plenary discussion you will learn:

  • When mixed methods might be appropriate for systematic reviews.
  • How to formulate mixed methods review questions.
  • Approaches to searching, study selection, data extraction, and critical appraisal.
  • A range of approaches, tools, and methodologies for mixed methods evidence syntheses.

The course will be delivered by University of Exeter researchers with a wealth of experience in mixed methods systematic reviews including for policy customers.

Delegate Rate

Early Bird Rate (until 30th November 2024)


PhD Students


Standard Delegate Rate


Book Event

Feedback and Certificates

Your feedback is valued and allows us to make adjustments for sessions and future courses.

At the end of the course, we will send you a certificate highlighting the learning outcomes with a section where you can complete your own CPD Reflection of the course, which you can use in a future professional development review.


Delegates are asked to cover their own costs for accommodation. 

For a Streatham Campus University of Exeter map,  please click here.

For accommodation in Exeter City, please see Visit Exeter


Programme for Systematic Reviews of Mixed Methods Evidence CPD Course

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Thursday 23rd January 2025


 *This programme may be subject to minor alterations.


Wednesday 22nd JANUARY 2025

Day 1





Coffee and welcome




Introduction to Mixed Methods (why use it and what it is / is not)


Prof Ruth Garside


When and how can you integrate?


Prof Ruth Garside






Formulating your Mixed Questions and Writing your Protocol

Lecture & small group work

Dr Liz Shaw


Lunch Break




Searching, Study Selection and Data Extraction

Lecture and small group work

Dr Simon Briscoe






Quality Appraisal – choosing and using different tools

Lecture and small group work

Dr Noreen Orr


Thursday 23rd JANUARY 2025

Day 2









Tools for Mixed Methods Review (matrix, logic model/ conceptual framework / hypothesis testing)

Lecture & whole group discussion

Prof Ruth Garside






Working through examples of Mixed Methods Synthesis

Small group work



Lunch Break




Using the interweave approach

Lecture & small group work

Prof Jo Thomson-Coon






Methods for Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data (realist, QCA etc)

Lecture and whole group discussion

Prof G.J. Melendez-Torres


Wrap up and trouble shooting

Whole group discussion

All speakers

End of Course

As this course will focus on bringing together diverse bodies of evidence, participants must have prior systematic review experience and knowledge of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis.

Early Career Researchers in academia, NGOs, PhD students, clinicians, VCSEs & other practitioners.

University of Exeter staff have extensive experience of producing evidence synthesis and providing training for a range of policy customers including NICE, NHSE, DHSC, WHO, UN’s Green Climate Fund. Exeter is home to a number of specialist evidence synthesis groups responding to policy and practitioner need, including the PenARC Evidence Synthesis Team; HSDR Evidence Synthesis Centre; PRP Evidence Review Facility; PenTAG and the new Isca Evidence group.


Any Questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us: 

Tel: +44 (0)1392 722964

Email: University of Exeter Medical School CPD