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Leadership Insights Action Learning Group (Exclusive to MBA alumni)

Join us for the latest of our 'Leaderships Insights' Action Learning groups, this time taking place digitally and therefore available to all MBA alumni wherever you are in the world. These events offer a confidential and impartial learning environment in which to explore new possibilities, solve problems and importantly make the most of our international MBA leadership network. The group will be led by MBA alumna and experienced action learning facilitator, Becky Venton.

Event details

Book a place

Our first international session will run on a Friday September 25th and will last for 1.5 hours, the exact time of the session will be dependent on where the alumni taking part are based. If you would like to register your interest for this event please email: by Friday 11th September so that we can finalise a time for the event.

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning is a process that involves a group (or ‘set’) of 5-8 volunteers working together on real problems.  In this context, a ‘problem' is defined as something that is tricky to resolve, distinct from ‘puzzles’ for which there is an answer and are best worked through by a group of technical experts.  The ‘problem’ does not have to be something negative - it could equally be an issue, a challenge or an opportunity.

The aim of Action Learning is for the ‘problem-bringer' to gain new perspectives and insights that may result in a range of new outcomes, such as the redefinition of the problem or a creative solution.  The approach is particularly well suited to an international MBA group as it is most effective when the members of the ’set' are diverse and able to draw upon a wide range of personal and professional skills, experience and perspectives.

The focus of each ‘round’ will be a real problem that is offered up by one of the participants.  Once a problem is selected by the group, the facilitator will guide the group through a simple process to explore the problem.  A full ‘round’ will take one hour, including time at the start for the ‘problem-bringer’ to present their issue and time at the end for reflection on any learning that has taken place.  Whilst the ‘problem-bringer’ is likely to benefit the most from the session, all participants are likely to gain something from the experience which encourages a ‘questioning’ approach to complex issues rather than the ‘problem-solving’ approach that many are more familiar with.  Ideally a ’set’ will meet on a number of occasions, taking it in turn to be the ‘problem-bringer’ whilst building experience in the approach and developing a number of skills, such as: questioning; active listening; giving/ receiving feedback; creative problem solving; and awareness of group dynamics.
Depending on time constraints we hope there will be time for at least two challenges to be presented and worked through on the day.