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Careers in China: A dialogue between Exeter students and alumni

Virtual interactive event for alumni and students.

Virtual interactive event for alumni and students.

Event details

About this event:

Join us for a virtual meeting between Exeter alumni and students in China.

This event brings together alumni in China and current students for an interactive session with a focus on employability and profressional development skills. We will be hearing from with alumni with professional expertise across different sectors and locations in China who will be available to answer questions of students and graduates in the audience.

Alumni, current and prospective students are all welcome to join this event. Thanks to volunteers of the Exeter China Alumni Association for organising and hosting this event.

More event information is available here, and check WeChat (search "ExeterAlumni") for further updates.

Please note, the session will be primarily conducted in Mandarin and the session will be recorded. The event times displayed above are GMT+8, for those in the UK the event timing is 10-12.30am.

- Alumni Speakers:

晏志鹏,湖北人,现任埃克塞特大学中国校友会理事。2018年毕业于商学院Msc Financial Economics专业,2019年起连续担任3届中国校友会理事会理事,2020年协助完成疫情期间在校中国留学生的防疫物资捐赠。主要负责带领北京团队组织北京地区的校友会活动,北京地区校友的共建交流等事宜。很荣幸为在京注册校友提供力所能及的服务。

于圆隽,云南人,2020年毕业于商学院MSc Behavioral Economics and Finance 专业,12月加入埃克赛特大学中国校友会。参与2021年新年活动的策划并组织4月职业分享会活动。很荣幸可以和可爱的校友们一起共事并且帮助各位校友策划活动。我喜欢唱歌、篮球、旅游、撸猫撸狗。


Helen,MSc International Management 2017级校友,2020年加入校友会,曾在宣传部担任志愿者,后接任管培一期负责人,现任2021届校友会理事会成员,任职于秘书处。曾共同组织策划过2020年全国线上双旦活动、2021年深圳线下活动,组织开展2021年管培特辑,参加2021年上海线下职业分享会等。

周俊源Kevin,本科交换2017 Management with Marketing专业,研究生2019 Financial Analysis and Fund Management专业。2020年加入ECAA管培一期,组织2020圣诞元旦线上活动,2021深圳线下春节活动,2021广州线下职场分享会。现在于利洁时Reckitt(快消)任Marketing管培生。热爱运动与广东早茶,有熟练的公众号发布经验,目前为理事会广州活动负责人。

Event schedule: Please find the full schedule with timings available here.

RSVP: Please complete this online registration form if you would like to attend.

How to join: The event takes place on Zoom. Click here to join the meeting on the date and start time of the event.  Meeting ID: 944 8109 3965, Password: 635669

Social media: Join the ECAA on WeChat (search "ExeterAlumni"), Weibo and LinkedIn.