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Project ADA

Project ADA Governance

Website last updated: 3 June 2024

On this page, you will find internal information about Project ADA and updates from the management groups and the overarching oversight group.

Project ADA Oversight Group

Find out more about our Project ADA Oversight Group and the Management Group below.

Membership 2023/24

Project ADA Oversight Group - Terms of Reference


Members may send delegates to ensure the meeting is quorate


  • The group oversees the investment and operational delivery of the ‘Transforming Data Science and AI’ SIC business case (Now ADA, Accelerating Data Science and AI).
  • The group agrees to develop and draft future phases of this work to optimise cross-faculty opportunities and efficiencies.
  • The group strategically reviews the direction and priorities of the project which is taking place in a rapidly developing sector.
  • The group commits to ensuring expansion in the area is done in an inclusive manner which puts increasing diversity and inclusivity at the heart of decision-making.


The group meets termly

Terms of Reference

  1. To receive updates from the Transforming Data Science Management Groups and review the progress of Phase 1 of the ADA1 project against plans submitted to SIC in February 2023
  2. To determine the governance and timetable for subsequent phases of the ADA project.
  3. To oversee the institution's AI data assets and promote efficient use of these
  4. To give recommendations, establish a timetable for the implementation and track progress
  5. To provide insight and steer on the direction of the project, in a rapidly evolving external context, advising on changes in priority or direction if relevant
  6. To provide oversight and assurance that the recommendations are in line with the University’s governance policies and regulations.
  7. Communicate internally on how the project is progressing and oversee the external communications campaign for prospective staff and students
  8. Report to SIC on progress periodically and oversee capital and infrastructure requirements for this capability.

Management Group - Terms of Reference

  1. Monitor progress of the implementation of the approved Phase 1 Project ADA Business case
  2. Ensure join up with the Phase 2 Management Group to ensure a clear focus on additionality and to benefit, wherever possible, from shared project management approaches and a combined communications plan.
  3. Report at regular intervals to the Accelerating Data Science and AI Oversight Board


Member Responsible for...
(Chair) Prof. Nick Stone Convening and chairing the group, identifying priorities for discussion and reporting to the Oversight Group.
Prof. Stu Bearhop Providing global insights.
Prof. Ion Sucala Advocating for Engineering and the Data Centric Engineering project stream.
Prof. Hywel Williams Advocating for Environmental Intelligence.
Siobhan White Developing the financial case, working in collaboration with HoFs for all Faculties.
DFO Representative
(Dr. Clare Wydell)
Liaison with Directors of Faculty Operations and Deputy Directors of Faculty Operations across all faculties and for coordinating the business case.
Ruth Thorne Developing market insights and advising on communications strategy.
Catherine Moore Creating and implementing the communications plan and our webpages.
Dr. Stuart Robinson Advocating for the Business School.
Prof. Mark Kelson Providing insight into IDSAI strategy.
Prof. Nicola King Providing education expertise.
Prof. Mat Collins Advocating for Mathematics and Statistics.
Prof. Andrew Howes Advocating for Computer Science.
UoE Digital Representative
Providing insights into how Digital strategy can support the project.
ADA Initiative Manager
(Steph Selway)
Coordination with the Phase 2 project plan and for supporting the development of the business case.
Support (Chee Wong) Secretariat support to the group, including meeting minutes and associated action tracker. Supporting members to meet deadlines.


It is proposed that the group convene every 4 weeks from July-October. With submission of the full business case to SIC (following approval by FEBs and the Oversight Board, and with update reports provided to Management Committees) by November 2023.