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Quantitative Health Network

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Translational Research Exchange @ Exeter, Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Health & Institute of Data Science and Artifical Intelligence networking event - Wednesday 21 July from 10am to 12pm.

Please join us to engage, make connections, create ideas for new projects and ask challenging questions. The event will feature interactive discussion sessions to enable participants to explore areas/research questions of mutual interest. We have a range of funding mechanisms e.g. clinical secondments and seed corn funding to support collaborative projects and ideas on the interface between quantitative modelling, biomedical and health research challenges. The overall aim of the event is to make new connections between clinicians and quantitative skills researchers, whilst giving participants a clear idea of available funding support from TREE, HQMH and IDSAI.

Please complete the Microsoft Form with your research interest and biography for sharing prior to the event.

Please complete this form by Wednesday 14 July.

Date: 3/2/21

Our new Hub brings together the multi-disciplinary research activities at the interface between mathematics, statistics and healthcare applications at the University of Exeter and our partners. It uses the breadth of theoretical and methodological expertise of the Hub's team to give innovative approaches to both research and translational aspects.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the EPSRC Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare at the University of Exeter. Our new Hub brings together the multi-disciplinary research activities at the interface between mathematics, statistics and healthcare applications at the University of Exeter and our partners. It uses the breadth of theoretical and methodological expertise of the Hub's team to give innovative approaches to both research and translational aspects.

The launch event for this new initiative will take place online (via Zoom) on Friday 5th February starting at 10am with an opening address given by Neil Gow, DVC Research and Impact at the University of Exeter. The event will feature presentations from Kate Reading (Portfolio Manager, Healthcare Technologies, EPSRC) on general information about the Healthcare Technologies theme and on the new EPSRC open fellowships, introduction to the Hub at Exeter and talks by our Hub's researchers.

The EPSRC Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare Launch Event is open to anyone across the University of Exeter interested in quantitative modelling and analysis applied to biomedical and healthcare problems. Please register for the event here.

Date: 3/2/21

We are holding the launch meeting of the Exeter Microfluidics Network on Monday 8th March at 10.00-12.00, at which four of the current microfluidics users - Frank Vollmer, Fabrice Gielen, Jehangir Cama and Alex Brand - will give short talks on how microfluidics is helping to address their research questions. These will be followed by an informal open-floor discussion/Q&A session led by Stefano Pagliara and Remy Chait.

Across the University of Exeter, there are an increasing number of research groups either already using or planning to use microfluidic methods in their research. To strengthen the expertise and microfluidics user base at the University, as part of the Quantitative Health Network, we are launching the Exeter Microfluidics Network, which has the following aims:

  1. Bring together people who works with design, microfabrication and the use of microfluidics, as potential sources of ideas, advice and resources
  2. Provide points of contact for anyone thinking of adopting microfluidics in their research
  3. Provide resilience and support for on-going projects
  4. Identify opportunities and efficiencies on space and equipment
  5. Give a voice to the community
  6. Cite the Network as a University strength in grant applications

We are holding a launch meeting on Monday 8th March at 10.00–12.00, at which four of the current microfluidics users - Frank Vollmer, Fabrice Gielen, Jehangir Cama and Alex Brand - will give short talks on how microfluidics is helping to address their research questions. These will be followed by an informal open-floor discussion/Q&A session led by Stefano Pagliara and Remy Chait.

Date: 19/2/21

Congratulations to Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, one of the founders of the Quantitative Health Network, who has recently been appointed as one of sixteen new members of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Strategic Advisory Network (SAN).

The SAN provides the EPSRC Executive with strategic advice to assist in developing, implementing and modifying plans, and to make appropriate recommendations to EPSRC’s Council. The network is a flexible resource, enabling the EPSRC Executive to obtain the advice it needs in a timely manner. It draws on a range of perspectives from across key stakeholder groups including academia.

Krasi will join current SAN members and will take up her appointment on 1st April 2021.

Read more here.

Date: 2/3/21