Differentiation arrangements
Students that qualify for differentiation do not need to submit evidence of Money with their initial visa application. Remember that there a number of other documents required for visa applications and you will still need to provide these. Our Document List contains full details.
It is important to be aware that you must still meet the financial requirements on the date that you submit your online application. International Student Advice will not routinely check your money documents when assisting with your visa application. Documents proving that you met the requirements can be requested by UK Visas and Immigration at any time during the application process. If you are unable to present documents, in the correct format, that prove that you met the requirement on the date of application, your visa application may be refused. If you will struggle to meet the requirement, please discuss it with us as early as possible so that we can help.
Who qualifies for 'differentation arrangements'
Students can qualify for Student visa differentiation arrangements because they are a national of one of the ‘low risk’ countries listed in ST 22.1 of the Immigration Rules (see below for the list).
If you are a national or a passport holder of one of the following countries and you are applying in the country where you live or in the UK, you do not have to submit evidence of your money with your Student visa application.
Australia |
The Dominican Republic | Luxembourg | South Korea |
Austria | Estonia | Malaysia | Spain |
Bahrain | Finland | Malta | Sweden |
Barbados | France | Mauritius | Switzerland |
Belgium | Germany | Mexico | Taiwan (with ID card) |
Botswana | Greece | Netherlands | Thailand |
Brazil | Hong Kong | New Zealand | Tunisia |
British National (Overseas) | Hungary | Norway | United Arab Emirates |
Brunei | Iceland | Oman | United States of America |
Bulgaria | Indonesia | Peru | |
Cambodia | Ireland | Poland | |
Canada | Italy | Portugal | |
Chile | Japan | Qatar | |
China | Kazakhstan | Romania | |
Croatia | Kuwait | Serbia | |
Republic of Cyprus | Latvia | Singapore | |
Czech Republic | Liechtenstein | Slovakia | |
Denmark | Lithuania | Slovenia |
If you are eligible for differentiation arrangements, then any of your Dependants are also eligible for differentiation as long as they are:
making their application at the same time as you
in their country of nationality or in the UK.
This essentially means that they do not have to provide proof of finances with their initial visa application. Again, UKVI can request this at any time, so you should be prepared to provide it if requested.
If they do not apply at the same time as you, they will be required to include full evidence of their finances with their visa application.
» CAS & Qualifications
Describes how you meet the visa conditions using your unconditional offer and previous qualifications.